dress your table


Like getting dressed well for a night out from a great assembled wardrobe, dressing your table comes together when you have some good things on hand.

Shown here, table dressed for tomorrow’s thanksgiving dinner before silver flatware is set, use the best every day. Plates, twenty-six years old, linen tablecloth, permanently borrowed from mom, twelve linen napkins, purchased in barcelona for thanksgiving dinner there when oldest daughter was studying abroad two years ago, four new linen napkins, recent purchase williams sonoma, and wine glasses from local grocery, five dollars a stem.

Found these great glasses when having a summer country barbecue and couldn’t fathom serving good wine from plastic cups. Bought about 120 of them. They have been a favorite since. Easy, great looking, and doesn’t break the bank, kind of like picking up new nail color all the time. Love using riedel, and we will for cocktails, but it’s good to have a mix, too.

All six kids home and it’s the best. Happy thanksgiving to all.


every day dinner


Eating dinner is absolutely a favorite part of the day. Must admit to being food focused and that the mind is thinking about what’s ahead for the night while drinking the morning coffee. Good food and coming together feeds the body and soul.

Here is thursday’s take on what was put together for family that has come to expect good healthy food and dinner together most every day:

Roasted vegetables, garlic, kosher salt and olive oil for the potatoes, kosher salt and olive oil for the asparagus. Wild cod and wild king salmon, husband isn’t crazy about pink fish, olive oil salt and pepper for the cod, garlic, rosemary, salt and olive oil for the salmon. Sliced whole grain bread with walnuts and raisins, organic salted butter on the table and done. Include your favorite white or red. Green salad would have been a normal addition but this night wasn’t present. You have seen this dinner here before- like clothes, get some good things together, use often, repeat and replace.

No cell phones, background television is never even a consideration, and heaven on earth when family and friends break bread together.

Pomegranates for dessert at the kitchen sink.

Wishing everyone a wonderful sunday and great dinner.



For friday night dinner out to chic suburban french restaurant, chose little black jacket, of course, silk charmeuse tank, and, can’t seem to help it did try some grey flannel trousers, dark wash blue jeans.

Black jacket was crepe and went with some pants several seasons ago. You know those times when you stand in your closet and wonder, okay, what to wear? Been having those times kind of frequently. Well, it’s Friday mid-november and pretty much all systems go from now until january.

Get your going out clothes together. Pull the black jacket from the black suit and push the sleeves way up and add a silk tank. No worries about the tank hanging below the hem of the jacket. Short over long is okay. Look at your clothes, show a bit of skin, add a high heel pump instead of a boot, it will be snowing soon enough, and enjoy the company of others.

Blue jeans, can’t seem to get away from them. Guess that’s what the gym visits are for. Still able to wear blue jeans, and put them on at some point almost every day, closer to fifty than forty.

The only thing new in tonight’s ensemble for dinner out with husband, fourth daughter and friend, were two accessories. Shoes and bracelet. Shoes bought from friend, bracelet in Italy. Added the bright bag as a last-minute thought.

Every day dress does chic suburban french restaurant on a friday.

Thanks everyone for reading. 16,274 site visits. Have a great saturday.





switch it out


Mid-November, and it’s time for evergreen. Last week emailed my client list with ‘no freaking out’. Yes, holidays are coming and we all need a guide. LOVE Martha, and used to follow her verbatim, but now that I’m a working girl need to get some good-looking results in way less time. Alexis, please post more on your blog, www.alexisstewart.com, love you too.

Bought this stuff at the grocery when the mums were looking way too tired. They needed switching out.  $9.99 for a dwarf specimen, I’ll take two. Three bunches of clipped boxwood etc. and good to go. Never forget when I thought I needed the fancy florist ten years ago- she came over and just kept sticking green boughs everywhere for a pretty fancy price. Pretty basic and thought, yes, I can do that too. So, bought some green stuff and stuck it in the dirt. And, thanks, Mom, they didn’t run out of the wreaths just yet.

Switched out the sweater jacket and made it a dress for the days activities. Standing in the closet, needing to be at a meeting and pick up the coffee in ten minutes and what to wear? Sweater worn as a dress with tights and boots.

To keep from freaking out my game plan is to do a little bit every day. Now that the garage is ‘decorated,’ in about only ten minutes, every time I pull in I’ll feel a sense of calm, maybe. Do what you can, every day.

Every day dress starts to get ready for the holidays. Oh, boy.

thirty to seventy


Two women, forty odd years between them, and both look great. Pictured here, wearing Worth New York, are Amy and Ethel at the WNY Women’s Foundation Fall in Fashion 2012 luncheon.

Both eat protein at breakfast, one of the basics of every day dress. Amy, six egg whites and oatmeal, Ethel, one whole egg, whole wheat toast, or oatmeal. Both move every day, Amy, maybe a nine mile run or functional training workout, Ethel, sixty minutes of brisk walking.

Amy and Ethel are both wearing ponte knit skirts. As blogged about before, this fabric is genius: holds its shape and shapes you up. So, whether in your thirties or seventies, every day dress.

Currently interviewing women in upstate New York, thirty to seventy and then some, for career opportunities in fashion. Email me, rebecca, at rebecca@everydaydress.com. We could have some fun together for Spring 2013.

Wishing everyone a wonderful Wednesday!

Photo by Sara Heidenger, S | H PHOTOGRAPHY

Amy wears Amber Ponte Applique Slim Skirt and Fall in Fashion Event Tee                   Ethel wears Black Ponte Leather Yoke Slim Skirt and Black Silk Jersey Easy Cowl Neck Blouse

switch it up


Daily movement of some kind is a must do. This weekend, cardio-raked leaves instead of enduring the monotony of the treadmill or elliptical. Even set a time limit, just like you do when you hop on those machines. One hour max, each day, to prevent boredom. Bonus time was when I exceeded the hour just from the sheer pleasure of it all.

Raking leaves is therapeutic. Your mind can think things through while your body is being conditioned. Instead of a digital display of calories burned you get to see a nice big pileup for your effort.

This is pretty basic stuff. Every day dress is about the every day. Aging is tough and does not discriminate. Do the stuff every day that makes you feel and look good even when you feel like tucking into the half-dozen donuts you buy for your kids. Move every day. Live and love every day.

For Sunday afternoon drive out to ski town to check on construction projects, switched up the suede vest from Spring 2012 and wore it over a column of black, easiest default ever.

Every day dress rakes leaves.

suede vest and black long-sleeved tee | Worth New York                                      black jeans | DL1961                                                                                                                black boots | Jimmy Choo                                                                                           sunglasses | Oliver Peoples





fresh flowers


A few basics of every day dress: make your bed, get dressed, put on some makeup, walk your dog(s), make some dinner, light some candles, enjoy a glass of wine. That all goes with or before everything else we all do in one day.

When you add fresh flowers your day is even better. Sharing with you photos of flowers sent yesterday from WNY Women’s Foundation with ‘thank you for your leadership and work towards our mission’. When the mission is supporting women and girls and breaking the cycle of poverty, that’s not any heavy lifting. Absolutely my pleasure, WNY Women’s Foundation, thank you for what you do for our community.

Love hydrangeas, always.

Every day dress and volunteer.

Flowers by Sage Flower Shop, 716-816-0600.

career opportunity


For today’s coffee meeting to talk career plans with beautiful young woman from NYC chose to go with sweater dressing. Started with all black, pretty much what I do, and added subtle color by layering a heather olive turtleneck walking coat over all. Mixed in a tricolor bag and some suede shoes. Kind of liked how there were different tones of red going on.

A sweater coat is the perfect thing for dashing around town and in and out of meetings. Looks neat and feels comfortable. Easy to wear while jumping in and out of a car.

Currently interviewing women in upstate New York with a sharp focus on Rochester and Syracuse, for career opportunities in fashion. If you or someone you know is interested in learning more about working from home with the flexibility to balance family and personal commitments, and even man/woman’s best friend, email me, rebecca, at recollins@worthltd.com.

Every day dress goes to work. Thank you everyone for reading, we’ve logged 14,756 site visits!

Wishing everyone warmth and power. And great food, and possibly a nice glass of pinot noir.

a little ease


Headed out to DESTINATION: CURE All Star Night in support of Roswell Park Cancer Institute last night. Very dear friends served as chairs. Their beautiful three-year old grandson was diagnosed this past July, so of course the entire event was incredibly moving.

What to wear and a little ease? While blogging about clothes and new shoes may seem so inconsequential while young parents work through rounds of chemotherapy with three-year olds and husbands lose their brides to breast cancer, we all need to get up each day and get dressed. When your clothes work for you and feel right the day, good or bad, is easier.

Event was black tie with over eight hundred attendees. Knew I wanted to feel comfortable so decided on same outfit as blogged about before- skinny black velvet pants and velvet peplum bustier. This time the clothes were mine and not borrowed for photos from the sample set. Also wanted to show this look in Friday’s fashion show as it is so very Dior. Really wanted to have it so placed an overnight order last week Tuesday, fingers crossed. Secaucus NJ, home of Worth New York’s warehouse, was hit hard by Sandy. Despite loss of power, how to get to work logistics, flooding, and property damage, incredible staff returned to work and hand-picked my order and others. Women all over the country could be dressed this weekend for important community events that raise funds and awareness for people in need.

With two events back to back and wanting a special look, my frame of mind was of course a little ease. The events would happen with or without the overnight order arriving in time. The fact that the order did arrive, and that my model was able to wear the outfit on Friday and I could wear it out Saturday, added a feeling of magic and hope while being out and dressed to raise funds to break the poverty cycle of women and girls and to cure cancer.

Thank you Secaucus staff and congratulations Lisa and Scott on an outstanding event. May you all now have a little ease.

Black Velvet Peplum Bustier, Black Velvet Simone Pant, and Liquid Gold Quilted Metallic Organza Coat | Worth New York Winter 2012                                                                       Very Prive 120 Kid Black/Red | Christian Louboutin

fall in fashion


Two hundred thirty women joined together to raise funds for the WNY Women’s Foundation via the 9th annual Fall in Fashion luncheon today in Buffalo NY. All proceeds are directed towards transforming our community by investing in women and girls.

Every day dress was there in so many ways. Women brought their energy, passion, and checkbooks all while wearing great outfits.

Here are a few quick photos to give you a glimpse of the event. Three professional photographers were on site, more sharing to come.

Worth New York showed eight great looks during the runway show. These were real women with real figures, beautiful inside and out.

Thank you Fall in Fashion event committee and attendees, outstanding leadership and staff of WNY Women’s Foundation, Buffalo Club management and wait staff, all donors, models, sound and light team, Tony Walker & Co., Anatomy, Fix Salon, and DJ Maxwell Collins.

Great day.