Like getting dressed well for a night out from a great assembled wardrobe, dressing your table comes together when you have some good things on hand.
Shown here, table dressed for tomorrow’s thanksgiving dinner before silver flatware is set, use the best every day. Plates, twenty-six years old, linen tablecloth, permanently borrowed from mom, twelve linen napkins, purchased in barcelona for thanksgiving dinner there when oldest daughter was studying abroad two years ago, four new linen napkins, recent purchase williams sonoma, and wine glasses from local grocery, five dollars a stem.
Found these great glasses when having a summer country barbecue and couldn’t fathom serving good wine from plastic cups. Bought about 120 of them. They have been a favorite since. Easy, great looking, and doesn’t break the bank, kind of like picking up new nail color all the time. Love using riedel, and we will for cocktails, but it’s good to have a mix, too.
All six kids home and it’s the best. Happy thanksgiving to all.