corporate resort look


For a full day of meetings where the CEO, President of Sales, Regional Directors, Founding Partners and 300 other associates of the company you work for in a resort destination one of the big questions is what in the heck do you wear?

You want to look like you know what you are doing, focused, and approachable.

It’s 110 degrees and typical resort wear doesn’t cut if for corporate meetings, resort destination or not.

Every day dress suggests to pick a dress. Or a skirt. Show a little leg, it’s hot out there. Most professional women I have wardrobed recently have shown a preference for a dress or a skirt. Very refreshing.

This choice was a dark denim short-sleeved shirt dress. Loved it as it felt appropriate. Shape was on trend conservative with a just short enough length and the fabric, well stretch denim, and you had me at hello.

Resort dressing can encompass all kinds of shoe options. Kind of felt if the top-level men in the company were wearing socks and shoes, had so show a little respect and go with a closed toe pump. There are only a handful of men in this company, we are really a company of opportunity of women and for women but all the same. Yes, as women in the fashion industry we get cut a lot of slack and can quite often wear what the men can not. That is great but there are times when you kind of have to go corporate. I am thinking that country-wide annual sales meetings might be one of those times. The funky fun pedicure can be shown another day.

You can still be a little sexy, just not all at once. Wear something close to the body, maybe cover the shoulders and maybe cover the toes, and you are corporate resort look ready.

Every day dress wearing the corporate resort look. Felt good to concentrate on what was being presented and not what was being worn. Clothing confidence is a very good thing.

Dress | Worth New York Summer 2013

Shoe | Manolo Blahnik

Bag | Prada



travel day


Wasn’t sure whether to call this post travel day or travel blanket. Have had so much time on my hands for one free day not sure what to do with myself.

Anyways, women find what other women wear interesting and it’s what this blog is about so here goes: what was worn for pretty much cross-country travel at 7:30 am this morning.

Started with the footwear. Knowing that boots were needed for the trip chose the bulkier ones out of three pair to wear so that they wouldn’t have to be packed. Long black maxi dress, as comfortable as it can get, and carried the Hermès blanket shawl husband gave me for Christmas. Think of it as travel blanket. Needed it the entire flight and even upon arrival. It may have been 109 degrees in the shade but the hotel lobby and meeting registration rooms were quite nicely air-conditioned.

First things first. To get the head straight went to the gym. Really, being away from the usual can cause a feeling of unease and the gym helps to get you centered. Could have done some work or logged on and done online bill pay, nope, not yet, work and bills will be there tomorrow.

Since I don’t Photoshop those are real legs and real veins. Have earned those darn things.

Every day dress is in Scottsdale AZ missing home and family. Travel day is tough.

Boots | Chanel

Dress and Necklace | Worth New York

Blanket Shawl | Hermès

Workout Wear | Hard Tail


perks of work


One of the many perks of work in fashion is travel. This time, in lieu of travel to NYC to see upcoming Fall fashions, traveling to Scottsdale AZ and checking into The Phoenician. Too bad.

Getting out of dodge is always the trickiest, and packing probably the most tedious. Kind of like to put everything together in a corner on the bedroom floor, take a look, and edit down. Editing is key, don’t like to have too much stuff. Husband would disagree.

For this trip, its work and family,  three and a half days at the Phoenician and then on to a guest ranch for western riding. Professional work clothes and jeans and boots are needed.

Rolled the jeans and workout clothes, those are needed every day, and placed blouses and swim wear on top. A small duffel held shoes, boots and belts, checked those two bags, and clothes that were needed for work and meetings went in the carry on. One large handbag, one small clutch, the camera, iPad, and MacBook Pro and that was pretty much it. If I can’t carry it single-handedly, it’s too much. Being able to haul your own things without a trolley when traveling is key.

For the day before travel wore an outfit that would never go on this trip, pink pants. 🙂 Second son said ‘sweet outfit don’t you think that’s a little young?’, two youngest daughters loved it, husband said ‘you’re kind of busting out of that shirt’ so overall approval rating was 50%. Will probably not do outfit repeat on this one. The stuff I was taking was all in the bedroom corner anyways.

The perks of work are fun and exciting and the packing has really gotten easier. At check-in had way less than anyone else in line.

Kind of rambling post, I know, no fear of flying it’s simply the transition that’s tough on me.

Wishing everyone the perks of work. Every day dress on the road and in the air. $8 internet access while flying on Southwest, oh, the perks of work.

PS Been studying Fall 2013 fashion and can’t wait to see what’s new up close. Every day dress.



add a jacket


For literally running from cleaning country house Saturday morning to Buffalo city house to Toronto Canada wore pretty much the same thing from the night before and only had to add a jacket.

Same bandeau, necklace, shoe, and bag from the day before, simply switched out the jeans and grabbed a jacket instead of the sweater. Jacket helped to make the super casual outfit underneath feel a little urban. Handled itself quite nicely for lunch at the Ritz.

Traveled to Toronto to follow Taylor Swift. Four daughters are crazy for her, two even flew in from Boston MA for this concert. Oldest two have been listening to her music since they first saw her at the Erie County Fair when tickets were $15 and their friends were asking them Taylor who?

To keep up with this crew definitely only had time to add a jacket. Busy busy busy.

Every day dress does country casual to city sort of chic on the run by the simple addition of add a jacket.

Happy Father’s Day dear husband. Love you deeper than the ocean and couldn’t do any of this without you.


Black Push Up Sleeve Jacket | Worth New York Spring 2013

Necklace | Lori Stevenson Jewelry

getting ready


After a full week of pretty much not sitting down once every day dress is getting ready to hit the road. Home is where the heart is but sometimes you’ve just got to move.

On the agenda: Toronto, Canada, Scottsdale, Greer, and Sedona, AZ, all before the end of June. Catching our breath before the packing dilemma.

Toronto? Definitely city and east coast clothes. Maybe a long Angelina kind of black maxi dress and summer leather jacket. All the AZ stuff? Leaving the east coast clothes home for sure. No navy and white nautical stripes, flowers, or pastels. Definitely going for desert cool. Temperature will range from 50 to 110 degrees so sticking with a monochromatic look with a little western feel in the mix. Color palette will be white, brown, a little gold, denim and some western blue-green.

Packing is a big deal. To get in the mood for the AZ trip paired this cardigan sweater with a big contour brown belt, layered an olive bandeau underneath, added turquoise beads and gold necklace, and dark wash skinny denim on the bottom. Not my usual Friday night dinner outfit but what the heck, it’s fun to mix it up.

Have a great weekend and wishing you much packing success with whatever summer travel you may be getting ready for.


floral sheath dress


For third daughter’s eighth grade graduation, wore a floral sheath dress. She did, too.

Story of these two dresses? The one you see here was actually ordered for a client to wear to her daughter’s graduation. When she came for her fitting and put the dress on, she knew it wasn’t it, for her. And that’s a good thing. The clothes you wear for important life events should make you feel good and look great. When you put something new on and you have to work too hard to make it feel right, it’s not right. So, she didn’t take the dress and I couldn’t let it go. When your professional life is dressing women in beautiful clothes, sometimes you get the send backs. Happy to have it, a definite perk of work. To make it my own paired it with again, edgy shoes, that’s just the way I’m feeling now, and a modern silver cuff bracelet.

Daughters’ floral white sheath dress? Spotted this when out holiday shopping back in December. Knew she needed a white dress for June so had her try it on. It was the only one we looked at and the only one she tried. She felt good and it looked great so we did it. No second guessing, quick and easy.

Dressing well is sometimes really about a feeling. When you feel good in what you’re wearing, and all my daughters tell me this, everything else is better.

Every day dress does the floral sheath dress for eighth grade graduation, both mother and daughter.

Feel good in your clothes.

Navy Impressionist Floral Dress | Worth New York Spring 2013

White Floral Eyelet Dress | Diane von Furstenberg

PS If you, or someone you know has an eye for fashion and would like to hear more about the perks of work, email me here, Currently building a team of women that work flexible hours from home helping other women feel good in their clothes. Every day dress.

class day


Fifth child, she’s fourteen, and finally feel like kind of getting this right- what to wear to class day.

On a day that’s to celebrate student academic and athletic achievement, feels good to put on some color and leave that favorite dark solid color at home. Kids get it right, they’re told what to wear; navy for the young men, floral, color, or pastels for the young women, simply copy their dress code and you’re good to go.

Wore the same dress that was worn on the beach, this time with heels. A heel changes everything. This class day was indoors, stadium seating, auditorium with no outside reception following afterwards so heels were okay. Wouldn’t do this shoe on a lawn. Lunch at a downtown club followed so heels were okay there, too.

About that animal shoe print? If there were religious services involved, no way. Independent school class day. Kind of advise friends and clients to stay away from animal prints when there’s anything secular going on. Just doesn’t feel right. Would have chosen a much more conservative shoe. Might leave the skin print bag at home as well.

Even seventy-three year old Monnie got it right, been dressing her for years now- white skirt, fun green fitted silk sweater, she says she’s no spring chicken, I say she still has shape, and interesting scarf. When you’re the mom or the grand-mom, let’s leave the sundresses for the teenagers.

Every day dress wears a conservative shirt dress in a bright color with an edgy shoe for class day, many times out.

Wishing everyone wonderful class days and special occasions in the month of June.


Shirtdress, Silk Sweater, Scarf | Worth New York

BB Pumps | Manolo Blahnik

PS Go Blue, Elizabeth and team won the cup.


a little woodstock


Lifestyle post: husband and I hosted thirty rising high school freshman for overnight co-ed camping this past weekend.

Fifth child is graduating from eighth grade on Wednesday and to celebrate she wanted to have her entire class out to the country house for a tent camp-out. Of course we said yes.

Party day was preceded by three days of rain. Lots of mud and lots of memories. These kids arrived at three for swimming, pitched their tents, had dinner at seven all at the same long table, danced in the barn, made s’mores and sang by the campfire, got a little rest and were served brunch at eleven. Pick-up at one.

So what do husband and wife hosts wear when entertaining thirty thirteen and fourteen year olds? Anything you can. We were so stinking busy the only thing I can remember were the boots, the apron, the muscle, and the smile.

Dinner was doable, brunch the stretch. Fifty-four eggs, five pounds of bacon, four dozen bagels, two pounds of cream cheese, a watermelon, cantaloupe, honeydew and grapes required two hours of assembly.

It was messy, not perfect, yet absolutely great.

Every day dress worked a little woodstock this past weekend. Congratulations, Elizabeth. So proud of you.

wicked boy


It’s been a cool and wet stretch here in upstate New York and with the arrival in the mailbox of Fall Preview Look Books can’t help but to think about the clothing season ahead.

Dark nail color is a perennial favorite and pretty much feels like a closet basic. Wore Chanel Vamp when it first debuted in 1994. The love affair with dark short nails continues and Essie’s Wicked is a grocery store fashion quick fix. A high fashion look for less than $10. Bergdorf Goodman’s Fall Preview 2013 Magazine shows many models with dark short nails.

That’s the Wicked part of the post. Now for the Boy:

Absolutely crazy for the Chanel Medium Boy flap bag in black Celtic cable-quilted lambskin, on page 95 of the Bergdorf Goodman Magazine Fall Preview 2013. At $4,400 that would be a long distance stretch for the Fall clothing budget, and quite honestly would probably make me a wicked girl if I went there. Going with the Chanel lipstick with the same name; Rouge Coco Shine Hydrating Sheer Lipshine #54 Boy. An easy to wear every day color. A $34 lipstick is easier to plan for than the $4,400 bag.

At $34, you can get the Boy feeling on your face, and with the $10 Essie nail color, you can have the Wicked feeling on your hands. Wicked Boy. Still thinking about the bag.

Have a great weekend all, and, every day dress.

Essie Nail Color | Wicked

Chanel Rouge Coco Shine Hydrating Sheer Lipshine | #54 Boy



skirt suit


To hear Susan Plagemann, vice president and publisher of Vogue magazine speak at the Albright-Knox Art Gallery in support of the WNY Women’s Foundation, chose to wear a skirt suit.

Not the usual pick but given the venue and the speaker wanted to wear something a little modern and perhaps a little graphic. This textured print cocoon jacket made me feel on trend in a room of over 300 fashion forward and very well dressed women. Fabric, 100% cotton, and jacket being unlined, made this skirt suit feel easy while the shape and the strong pattern made me feel well dressed. Will probably wear the two pieces as separates, they are strong enough to stand on their own, but for this event a matched skirt suit felt right.

Bag and shoe? You’ve seen those before, plenty. Invest in a few fabulous accessories and wear wear wear. Bag is a little oversized but wanted to have someplace to stow the event program and any other papers that might be distributed. Shoe? The absolutely most comfortable footwear in the closet at present.

About the WNY Women’s Foundation? The vision of the WNY Women’s Foundation is a community in which all women and girls have the opportunity to thrive. The mission of the WNY Women’s Foundation is to remove roadblocks and provide opportunities to enable women and girls to become self-sufficient.

Every day dress loves supporting the important work of the WNY Women’s Foundation.

Susan Plagemann was outstanding; articulate, intelligent, interesting, focused, impressive, human, and inspiring. She wore what looked to be a completely matched white linen pant suit.

Ivory Chocolate Textured Print Cocoon Jacket and Skirt | Worth New York Summer 2013