Can We Sonnet?

for five lovely young women and one renaissance gentleman, we wrote some modern sonnets to celebrate them and their graduation

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Linen Napkins

green linen tablecloth brought home from south of france (washed so many times it’s completely faded) and blue linen napkins form Williams Sonoma. tequila bottles as vases from kitchen/bar pantry

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Pi Day

cherry pie with almond cream and streusal topping

Yesterday was Pi Day, and I missed it. There have been plenty of pies, and plenty of days when I wasn’t really sure which day it was, like Saturday when I woke up and thought it was Friday. That’s okay, giving myself a pass on all of this, as it probably doesn’t really matter anyway.

One thing I do remember that really made a difference was the first pie I baked, and I actually baked two. It was the day Ethan was born, thirty-two years and some odd days okay. Peaches were at the end of their season (it was early October), and he was a week past his due date. I got up that morning and decided to bake and having never made a pie crust before I thought why not today. I rolled out those crusts with my belly holding the waxed paper at the edge of the kitchen countertop to keep it from slipping around, my crust rolling in its very early stages. I will never forget that day, or those two peach pies.

two blueberry pies, looking forwward to serving a crowd this summer

Now our family favorite is blueberry, and I’ll often make two, for we often have a crowd. I’m really looking forward to having a crowd this summer.

I’ve found that the best pie plate is from Bennington Potters. I actually use the round baker as I like the deep dish, and the high rim, and how it can go straight to the table looking good.

Recently I made a cherry pie with almond cream and streusel for French Pastry School, that was good too, and need to try that one again.

on the road, traveling by car, dermatologist suggested eye lift, third daugther tells me hooded eyelids is my look

We’re traveling, on the road driving from Florida to New York. Haven’t been on a plane since last February 2020. Haven’t bought a new Smythson agenda yet, and we’re halfway through the third month of the year. If I were to order an agenda, this would be my pick. I’ve used a Smythson agenda for years now, always choosing a different color. My youngest daughter and I were talking about agendas, and she thought it might finally be time to perhaps start filling in those pages. Wow, so many changes, yet we’ll always have pie.

and the sun goes down on another day. I love to pack this lightweight puffer and a scarf in my bag for when temperatures quickly drop