boyfriend jeans


When all you really want to do is eat cake for lunch, maybe even several days in a row, it’s a good idea to have a pair of boyfriend jeans in the closet. Picked up this pair about three years ago while traveling out west and fit friend thought they were crazy. Baggy, no shape. Now, she kind of likes them. They are perfect for when you are going for a comfortable, casual look. Just the sort of thing to wear when it’s freezing outside and you might luckily be working inside at your desk for a good part of the day.

Usually like to pair them with something fitted on top. This time fitted ribbed turtleneck is underneath a kind of sexy when worn alone silk blouse. As the blouse is a bit oversized and that silhouette is usually paired with skinny bottoms, not today, decided to belt it in so that the shape of the body wasn’t completely lost in all of those clothes. Pushed the sleeves up of both the turtleneck and the blouse so that there was some skin exposure going on and finished the look off with favorite warm, and high, boots. Felt the outfit needed some height and that a heeled boot dressed up the casual look of it all.

Boyfriend jeans can and do save the day sometimes. Love knowing they are there for when needed. Love too that the hands can actually fit in the pockets when baby it’s cold outside. Yes, Tim Gunn does advise that fashion is not really about comfort. Indeed. Lifestyle, here at every day dress, can be about comfort. Would love to hear your thoughts.

One more thought, just got off the phone with oldest daughter that works upscale retail in Boston MA. She says boyfriend jeans are back big for Spring 2013.

Again, stay warm. xoxo

Jeans | Citizens of Humanity

Ribbed Turtleneck Silk Blouse Leather Belt | Worth New York

Boots | Brunello Cucinelli


eat cake


Had to break the posting pause somehow so here goes: lifestyle piece- it’s late January, 10 degrees on a good morning, and every day dress has eaten cake. Store bought cake over the long weekend and scratch cake starting on Tuesday.

Cake eating? Oh, well. Posting pause? Last time I checked Alexis Stewart, vegetarian cook extraordinaire, superlative baker, same age 47, mom of two, a favorite food blogger, hadn’t posted since December 6. Know she bakes plenty of cake, wonder if she eat’s it? Maybe she too is on posting pause? It is January. Miss you, Alexis.

To be exact about the cakes, ‘Cake Boss‘ after skiing and scratch Carrot Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting city-side. Somehow missed that there was a ‘Cake Boss.’ Weekend house guests with four-year old clued us into ‘Cake Boss.’ Cooked like crazy all weekend long, even a double batch of Rum Raisin Rice Pudding. A house of eleven and two more fun dinner guests can put away some serious food and drink. So much went down. Being January couldn’t get up for photo taking, we were having too much fun.

Back home the cake party continued. Like you, all the other stuff is going on too- life, work, family, friends. Carrot Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting can be a sweet part of the day. One photo, of one piece, to capture the mood.

For the record, spread sheets, phone calls, and fashion notes continue, gym visits ongoing, blog posting will hopefully soon resume play, and lean times, maybe without cake, will come again.

Stay warm. Would love to a have you all over to eat cake.

Carrot Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting | The Gourmet Cookbook | Ruth Reichl




monday monday


Started this Monday like most Monday’s, with true intention at the gym, before hitting the office. Really went at it. Half an hour, two times a week, of total concentration, mix it up with daily walking, with our without dogs, shoveling snow, cleaning gutters on the weekend, whatever it takes. Really not interested in 45 minutes to an hour on the treadmill going nowhere anymore. Honestly, thought about staying in bed for about two minutes, but really, what choice is there?

This Monday, also had reason to celebrate. Dear friend recently turned fifty and about fifteen of us gathered together to celebrate her.  Decided to dress for the night, and, why not? Here’s to the thought of showing intention, at the gym, at the office, to celebrate a friend’s birthday, Monday or no Monday.

Monday is perfect to pull out the dressed up satin pants and jacket, stow the standard black, and carry a small clutch bag. Monday’s are full of back to work, make the phone calls, return the emails, hit the grocery. Let’s all make it a little more fun by putting on our good clothes.

Had a great conversation with seventy something mom of the birthday girl. She agrees, make the bed, get out of the exercise clothes, put on some makeup, walk or get to the gym, make dinner, use cloth napkins, all with intention. Her daughter does all this too, probably one of the reasons we are very good friends.

Yes, this is all so fundamental.

Photos taken very quickly by fourth, twelve-year old daughter. Remember, cottage industry here. Our hope is to inspire women to every day dress.

Every day dress was at the gym, in the office, and dressed for cocktails. Monday Monday. Happy Birthday dear Cynthia.

head south


When your closet has some good-looking, multi season pieces, getting away somewhere south causes no ‘what do I wear?’ panic.

These clothes here? While we are all looking, and most likely buying if you shop ahead of season, at Spring Summer 2013 and even pre Fall 2013, these pieces are Fall 2012 and look fresh. Bonus points? All pulled together from sample sale at 50% off. Every day dress has helped many women stock their closets with good-looking, multi season pieces.

For a quick getaway down south consider keeping all accessories neutral. Wear maybe one piece of statement jewelry that can be quickly removed for airport security.

This outfit is yes again, skinny flannel white’s, same as in yesterday’s post, flannel white tank, and navy wrap jacket. (love the ribbon belt that comes with it.) All are samples borrowed from sample sale. All, 50% off. Thinking you can’t or won’t pull off white skinny jeans? We can do a fuller leg. Or even a column of navy with that same jacket switched up to flannel white. (The flannel white one is gorgeous, have that sweet piece size 12, if you are interested.)

Hey, that every day dress woman wears her pants kind of tight. We’ve talked about that before, here. It’s the body and it’s okay.  In fact, almost every single client I see, and these women range from size 0 to 20, all have some issue with what they wear on their body. Believe it or not my size 0’s are pretty much the toughest on themselves.

Philosophy of every day dress? Relax, wear beautiful clothing, exercise so you feel good, and embrace the size you are.

Every day dress is not headed south, only virtually for this post. Here, in upstate New York, working this fabulous sample sale and tomorrow training begins for a new member of the team. Welcome, Diana.

For more info or to comment, email On the to do list is making the site easier to reply to.

Cheers, it’s almost Friday.

All clothing | Worth New York, Handbag | Prada, Luggage | Louis Vuitton, Bracelet | Hermes



emerald cuccinelli emerald


Pantone recently announced its 2013 color of the year and in case you missed it, emerald green.

Been absolutely loving the Brunello Cucinnelli marketing campaign and here are the boots I picked up at Saks Fifth Avenue in San Francisco, CA.

What’s the tie-in? 50% off. All clothing in photos currently 50% off at sample sale. Crew-neck, tunic jacket, both in emerald green, flannel white skinny jean, and contoured belt, all 50% off. Silk blouse and skirt, 50% off. And there’s more. For info on sample sale email This is what I do, dress women in beautiful clothing. And at 50% now is a great time.

Cuccinelli boots? Scored those beauties at 50% off too.

For me emerald green represents rejuvenation, renewal, and prosperity. Wishing us all that for 2013.

Happy Wednesday.

All Clothing | Worth New York





hello january


New beginnings are the best. Here we like to embrace the idea that each day is a new beginning. Not only the first day of the new year, every day of the entire year. So long 2012. Hello and welcome January.

After a good month of travel, celebrating, and this past weekend some great downhill skiing, every day dress is back in the saddle and ready to embrace the new year.

New year, new opportunity. Do you love clothes? Do you love inspiring other women? Do other women love your clothes? Smiling here as the other women in my life, four daughters, love clothes and love wearing my clothes. It’s a big beautiful world out there and if you are looking for a new fun opportunity and even maybe some new clothes, most women are, email me here at January just might be your month for a new beginning of the fashion kind? Every day dress is looking to grow.

Thank you, thirty subscribers. Would love to hear what’s on your mind, what you find inspiring, and what you might like to see more of here at the blog. Over 21,000 plus site views. Not bad for a little upstate New York fashion and lifestyle site. Thanks everyone.

Hello January. Happy to be here.

Third daughter wears Parajumpers Parka and brown felt hat from the closet of every day dress while in Ellicottville, NY.

two looks


Two women, two different decades, two different looks, and each, I think, outfit bingo. Sharing with you what we wore to welcome 2013.

She shopped the trends, Halston, and wore a black jersey jumpsuit. Loved it. You know that moment when you walk into a party or event and see the most beautiful woman in the room and you think, oh god, she nailed it. Is my outfit okay?

Me, every day dress, shopped my closet. Wore that classic combination, navy and white. After a month of party clothes wanted to pull something fresh and did not want to go to the mall. Yes, you can, as mentioned here before, wear white jeans anytime at all. Navy sweater set, thank you Michelle and Worth New York, felt great. (after that deep breath of seeing very fit and good-looking friend in of the moment jumpsuit.) These clothes I collect and the company I work for, Worth New York, you never let me down. Sweater set is close to ten years old. Love it.

She, Amy, in her thirties, can and should wear trends. And she does, oh so well. Me, in late forties, can’t get close to that. No jumpsuit happening here. For some sexiness simply took off the navy cardigan.

One more thing, and especially for the New Year: work out. With heavy weights. And hard. Not simply cardio. You need cardio and resistance training. Amy, she owns, manages and works out at Catalyst Fitness. Me, the resistance work out is with Mike, twice a week, thirty minute sessions. To get to Amy’s gym, visit Catalyst Fitness. To get on Mike’s workout schedule, message him at 716-316-8121. Two women, two different decades, two different looks.

Happy New Year. Here’s to many new things, hard workouts,  and shopping your closet.

Jumpsuit | Halston

Navy Beaded Sweater Set | Worth New York

ps. Between the two of us, ten, by birth, children. Move your body and every day dress.




Yesterday with family and friends we celebrated third daughter’s fourteenth birthday. It was a beautiful catered affair- for those of you that like food here is the outstanding menu:

Assorted bagels with smoked salmon, whipped cream cheese and chopped onion. Eggs Benedict and asparagus napped with a béarnaise sauce. Crepes with creamy chicken filling and pepper jack cheese. A loin of Canadian bacon with Grand Marnier and orange marmalade glaze. Home fries. Fresh fruit bowl of strawberries, blackberries, cantaloupe. Caramel Pull a Parts.

Bartender served Bloody Mary’s, Mimosas, Champagne, and Pineapple Punch.

Every day dress, me, baked Mexican wedding cakes, jewel cookies, sugar cookie cutouts, chocolate chip cookies, and an ultimate devils food chocolate cake with candles. Vanilla Häagan-Dazs ice cream accompanied all.

Birthday girl wore a new dress, new shoes, and the most fabulous crown ever hand carried back from Chateau Sonoma, a delightful french gift store in CA.

There were even wrapped presents.

All this was a switch up from year’s past. Third daughter’s birthday, every year falling on New Year’s Day by virtue of being born on January 1, was usually a bit of a leftover, hung over, bit of a push to celebrate. Hung over not by wine but by the entire month that preceded. Thirteenth birthday, and this I know she will never forget, tried to convince her that yes, birthday cake was indeed good enough without frosting. And that yes, cheese and crackers for dinner, were celebratory enough for her day. Lizzie, by being Lizzie, did rally us all together for a restaurant dinner out. This is not an excuse and there is simply no excuse but I was simply put too totally spent to make good things happen. Making good things happen for other’s is absolutely a priority.

So this year we had a party. A true, beautiful party. She was the focus and she shined brightly like she does each and every day. Happy Birthday, Elizabeth. Love you bigger than the ocean.

On this second day of January best wishes to all for a happy, healthy, and blessed New Year. Let’s go out and make good things happen. xoxo

take time


The last days of the year are usually jam packed with activity- more shopping, more gift-wrapping, decorating, travel, work, play, family, friends, endless food and drink. Taking time out to walk and reflect invigorates the body and soul for all that is happening.

Simple clothes during the day make it easy to move from one thing to the next when your day is full. You all know my love of skinny jeans and black. Can’t help it- always so easy. Flat boots, these in brown suede and with a rubber sole, look good, feel good, and you can walk forever in them. An interesting long coat instantly dresses the whole thing up. No sneakers or yoga pants in this combination.

Take time out to feel good. Nobody does it for you, do it for yourself. Every day dress walks for miles in Sonoma, CA.

white coat | SabineSommeregger, suede boots | Tod’s

merry christmas


Every day dress wishes everyone a day filled with the love of others, the magic of the season, and the wonder of this beautiful world. Believe and it will be.

red and black sweater coat Worth New York