Out all day dressed in print and color to help pull together WNY Women’s Fund Fall in Fashion luncheon, happening tomorrow.
Back home to do last minute details in the office and slip back into the uniform, jeans, black tee, black boots.
Husband calls and asks for dinner date, of course the answer is yes, but what to wear when you feel pulled in all different directions, and it’s raining outside?
Decide first on the footwear. Rain calls for rubber soles. These Louis Vuitton boots are probably about six years old and had favorite shoe maker add soles so they could be worn when it’s wet while looking good. After several outfits wind up on the floor again, sheath dress to the rescue. Every woman should have a closet full of these things. No need to think.
Every day dress out to dinner.
Positive thoughts and best wishes to all those touched by Sandy. xoxo