good vibes :)

No more moody blues, we’ve got good vibes going on. 🙂

Celebrating 30 years of marriage tomorrow, and we’ve been living and loving life, in the kitchen and beyond. Sometimes you need to feel and maybe write about the lows to really feel the highs.

Finally got that udon noodle, actually had to get down and honestly knead that thing with my feet. Footnote, haha: 98% through with professional chef certification and udon noodles had me all tied up. Tried that thing so many times and finally thank you google did it like they said; put the dough ball in a plastic bag, threw it on the floor, and between a kitchen towel or two massaged it out with two feet.

Every day dress, good vibes. 🙂



super wearable navy blazer, and who doesn’t love a striped shirt 

Most women reading here can probably google majordomo and get it, and maybe just maybe relate to the fleeting feeling I had yesterday: quitting everything.

same navy blazer again, this time with desk to dinner velvet must have velvet pant 

Not really sure if it was the anniversary of 9 11 or climate change, world events or a hurricane or two, simply felt like stepping out. Was thinking of dodging all philanthropic and committee work, not signing any renewable office lease space, resigning from a recently joined club, and not buying any new clothing or make up for twelve months straight, with the solid exception that if any of four daughters’ weddings (or two sons) should happen before that twelve month calendar date, all bets off, and even said it all out loud to the husband.

cashmere scarf and faux leather pants, absolutely 

Today, Tuesday, and haven’t done one thing of anything of the above. Actually settled into the every day, and deep down understand and enjoy the benefits of being engaged, in family, friends, life, work.

So, huge thank you to the world for continuously spinning. xoxo

professional photos l Worth New York


last first day

Sixth child of six handled her first day of senior high exactly as she slipped into this world; low-key, super easy, and just like that.

She was out the door and gone before I even put the coffee on. Looked for her car upon my rise, and no, not there.

Her birth date was exact: almost born in the elevator, and husband delivered her before doc could get there. We knew the drill, head down, fluid clear, let’s go. Nurse was as nervous as hell.

In the room that night woke up and missed her, why oh why does she need to be in the newborn nursery, she belongs right here, right now.

This child knows things beyond her years, and we love her beyond infinity.

Last first day, and every day dress. xoxo

all photos shot in Portugal by Maxwell

confused, now more than ever

We’ve been cooking, and eating and drinking for sure, one of life’s great pleasures, and reading and studying. So, what are we supposed to really eat? Low carb, gluten-free, no sugar, Paleo, whole grains, vegan, plant-based, wtf. Add to that and we’ve moved for decades, in all kinds of ways.

Now we’re interested in more than simply the jean size, we want to keep the brain strong, and the joints fluid.

Confused by the research, and the marketing.

Last night did some gasp, pasta! Tonight we did coho salmon, with cauliflower ‘couscous’.

Both nights, tomatoes in the mix, canned San Marzano in the sauce and local homegrown with the fish.  Are they inflammatory? Do we simply want to add color to our plate and not eat those things?

The quest continues. In the meantime we topped off one of the best local berry pies of the summer with vanilla ice cream and scratch full fat whipped cream. Double trouble, I guess.

no makeup, happy at work on Labor Day 

best pants of the season, faux leather joggers

We’re also in the office, working on mindful luxury in the wardrobe for all our women.

Every day dress, every day cook.

what we do with our spare time, load the SUV with white chrysanthemums

doing the work, in a Dolce and Gabbana bikini

yeah, this is 52 and 20 or so extra pounds, why we are confused, now more than ever

switched out the planters for fall 17


ps. no Photoshop, ever, way too much computer work for us.



get things done

Husband says I start stuff and leave it at 90%, yikes, so not cool. Is he talking about the laundry? Surely not dinner, haha.

This professional cooking school thing has me; it’s good, and it’s hard. We’re clocked in at 96% done with 96% average, and need to finish. Most things in life take longer than anticipated, this I know.

all this dairy free, gluten-free, raw stuff…

turns into this chocolate ganache torte

again, gluten-free, dairy free

penne Carbonaro (it’s tofu)…

So, we need to finish. Shown here are some blissed out time away photos, and the rest is time alone in the kitchen.

Wishing everyone reading the perseverance and discipline to get things done.

beautiful women we love to feed, and help dress

Every day dress, every day cook.


heading towards fall 17

Personal goal for summer 17 was not to work corporate, accomplished. We cooked, we traveled, we loved, all very casual, and now the slow slide into returning style begins.

As we need to start somewhere, here we are: velvet, for fall 17, is a day trend. So, we wore our navy velvet dress from last year to the market, in August. Paired it with suede Birkenstocks, and everything else was easy.

Our current mantra is to buy and use to the end the best we can, whether it be fresh berries, homegrown basil, a velvet dress, or suede sandals.

Fifth child is settling into first year of college, we’re bittersweet heading towards fall 17. xoxo

Every day dress.

fried green tomatoes

oh, fried green tomatoes, you are sublime

Okay, so if you’re stopping by here for fashion or style, sorry, we’ve been on holiday. In reality we’ve been out of touch, and in the kitchen, and it’s taking us a bit longer than planned, like everything else in life that goes down.

driving to market in off shoulder top for food stuff 

We’re on month seven of this professional chef thing, one month extension, granted, and have three days to finish, yikes. Here’s what’s on deck: plant-based manicotti with egg and dairy free fresh pasta dough, scratch tomato sauce, tofu ricotta and cashew béchamel, fresh udon noodles with shiitake broth, almond sole, another Alsatian onion tart, two ways to use legumes, penne Carbonaro, veloute sauce, baked tofu, a chocolate ganache torte, a written description on what you should/could do if you find a pot of boiling stock on a stove top, a black box assignment, (don’t ask me, haha), and a four-hour multiple choice exam, yikes. Interested? Check out Highly and totally recommend.

Instead of totally concentrating at the task at hand, I get a little side-tracked, and go college dorm shopping with my daughter and decide to make something we’ve never had before: Fried Green Tomatoes with Buttermilk & Chives, from the beautiful new cookbook The Lost Kitchen: Recipes and a Good Life Found in Freedom, Maine, by Erin French. Absolutely delicious, and the book, absolutely divine.

the plate is hot 

what the end of the day looks like…

Yes, we’ve also made Wild Mushroom & Truffle Oil Pasta, twice now, in the last three days.

Fall fashion coming soon, can’t wait.






friday night shenanigans


After being gone girl for darn close to three straight weeks the only outing we’re doing is the grocery run.

Our idea of a dream Friday night is a good dinner, a glass of Cava, (or two), and very early to bed. Friday night shenanigans’, indeed.

Spent the day in the kitchen, doing a nice pan-fried chicken garnished with fresh, local pea shoots for lunch, a big side dish of sautéed haricots verts with shallots for the fridge, and a little riff on a Nicoise Salad for dinner: pan-fried halibut topped with a slightly overdone poached egg. Yolk was still a bit runny, thankfully; must have been first out of four to hit the barely simmering water.

We’re 91% through with our professional cook certification and currently posting a 96.3 grade, whew. Hope to wrap this up in the next few days, we’re really missing our style fix. 🙂

Wishing everyone a restful, soulful, mid-summer weekend. xoxo

good ingredients

prepping dinner in Porto

While enjoying delicious long stretches of time away with nothing more than a carry on and a tote, we’re convinced now more than ever the satisfying feel of good ingredients.

We love a good pair of jeans, a white tank, and a white shirt. Loved often and on repeat, replace.

Same with our food: buy carefully, buy fresh, be present, repeat.

Now in NYC for a run, enjoying every hot moment, and looking at all possibilities for the new season ahead.

Trying to get back into the blog, like most things it’s best when it’s an every day thing.


checked out for a little

We’ve checked out for a little; travel, cooking, and now upon second daughter’s recommendation have added in the study of wine, oh, boy.

Two weeks in Portugal, at times ten of us in all, and now in Manhattan, give or take a week. My travel mantra is now less is always more, and easier, and went with a carry-on and tote.

Sure, I feel a little style-lost, yet tradeoff is greater.

And cooking? One late afternoon in Porto went street-walking and picked up four fresh chickens, had the butcher cut them into eights, and that trifecta of tomatoes, onion, and garlic. A bottle of olive oil, dried pasta, some butter is love, coarse salt, fresh ground pepper, and copious amounts of Portuguese wine. We feasted.

Later in the week moved into the Douro Valley, toured Niepoort, and was gifted with a garden box of more garden fresh tomatoes, and green peppers, and oranges. Upon our late return to the apartment, all hungry and tired, those vegetables along with some white wine, garlic, onions, and butter, all pan sautéed separately and then combined into one gorgeous pot, divine for late night dinner. More wine, of course.

No photos, we’ve checked out for a little, text will suffice.

Wishing everyone good health and great meals, shared with those you love. xoxo