Hotel room in San Diego, seems like ages ago, yet not even two weeks. Back at work, snow showers and 12 degrees here in Buffalo, oh those days.
One wardrobe and travel item that stays constant: Louis Vuitton Keepall. Bought mine at Louis Vuitton Paris Saint Germain des Prés, probably six or seven years ago. Even had the luggage tag monogrammed while sister and I drank fancy water in a somewhat private room. It’s a good go bag. Cabin friendly and can easily hold a week’s worth of stuff, if you pack strategically, and if not it can hold a week’s worth of shoes. 🙂
Every day dress, oh those days. Happy back to work week everyone.
For third daughter’s sixteenth birthday celebration this past Saturday night, ordered five cakes from our local restaurant two days before the party. They don’t make one big cake, had to order enough for sixty or so guests so five cakes it was. Yeah, kind of last-minute, made it work. Didn’t want anything too overdone, or looking like a wedding, so naturally waited to the very sweet end. Thank you, Cynthia, you were spot on, they were a hit. A little anxiety about how to make five cakes feel special, it came in the middle of a long walk: five siblings, each will carry one and present, sparkle candle and all. Fun.
Balloons were a two-day before addition as well. At the walk-through on Thursday afternoon at 2:30 pm, asked the club manager for her source, deliver she did. Chris, from Balloon Masters, did it up brilliantly. Called him on the car phone on the way home, barely 48 hours in advance, signed, sealed, and delivered. Wanted to call in a real photographer, husband nixed that idea rather quickly, like the blog here we’re a bit of a do it yourself cottage industry.
Dress was bought the day before, no stress there, that’s one of the things we do here at every day dress, dress busy women in beautiful clothing. Last minute for that kind of thing is fine. Shoes were a gift from Santa Baby, she was delighted. Birthday crown purchased at a local little French shop in Sonoma CA, two years ago, she wore it at her fourteenth as well. New nail color, Chanel.
We were all there. A New Year’s Day birth is sometimes a little left behind. This year, not so much. Lizzie, happy sweet sixteen, we love you to the moon and back.
Every day dress, five cakes. Believe, keep moving, make good things happen.
In the home office and couldn’t be happier. Back at work for Worth New York: dressing busy women in beautiful clothing and developing business opportunities for those interested in their own thing. Love the promise a new year brings, and wishing all of you all the best in 2015.
Super quick post, it’s Monday morning after a marathon month.
Every day dress, and here’s to a brilliant new year. xo
While it would be good to drink warm water with lemon all day and perhaps hop on the Gwyneth Paltrow goop cleanse , (so not happening now), have decided to just go with it | for it.
A couple more days of celebrating with family and dear friends. Happy New Year everyone.
Simple style note: can’t seem to get out of the jeans mindset. For New Year’s Eve at home wore Citizens white boyfriend’s, black sparkly top (saucy! without the camisole underneath!), and new white shoes, Christmas gift from the dear husband.
Let’s all go with it | for it. Yesterday, first day of January, went to the gym first thing in the morning and walked the dogs for miles in the afternoon. Husband asked, resolutions? Nope, lifestyle baby, lifestyle.
Light grey jeans, pale heather grey cashmere pullover, black puffer, grey and gold handbag, guessing it’s time soon to lighten up. Photo taken last day in La Jolla before heading back east.
Got weighed at the doc’s yesterday, oh, boy. Highest number we’ve seen since pregnant with the twins, twenty-four years ago. Thinking this higher number is not a unique phenomenon this time of year. It’s been fun.
Move some more, walk the dogs longer, eat and drink some less, wear some great clothes.
Every day dress, and this is a sensitive one, lighten up.
Thanks for reading everyone. As we all head towards 2015 may the year ahead bring you health, wellness, and good looks. 🙂
Oldest daughter, one of those twins, shared the above from her Instagram. Pretty much sums things up.
Thinking there are days when black leggings and a black tank could be all you really need or want. Thinking also that if I served chicken every night I might not have many dinner guests. 🙂
These photos taken on the iPhone, on Christmas Eve. Being a little overachieving kind of overdid it the month of December and wound up not feeling great the day we all landed in San Diego, December 20th. That bug is still hanging around and promptly went to the doc, today, the 29th, first day back on the east coast.
This is the every day and sometimes you’ve just gotta dress it up, good or bad. Photos don’t do the clothes credit but wearing the best darn black leggings around. Didn’t feel great but dressed it up anyways for dinner with that dress picked up at a market in France, black Wolford tights, flat black boots, and hair up high. Family thought I looked great, fake it till you make it.
After years of matching velvet and or taffeta dresses, black patent Mary-jane shoes, miniature red blazers, coordinated gift wrap and fifty plus relatives for Christmas eve dinner, we have now pretty much dialed it down.
For five of the last six years have flown all six kids out west, northern CA and this year for the first time southern CA, La Jolla. Rent a house with as many bedrooms as we can find, settle in and dial down.
So great after decades of fancy cooking, elaborate gift wrap, staged professional Christmas photos, we all now kind of just come together and get it done. Cards hand-addressed on the flight and in the restaurant, photo taken once when we’re all in town, (so what if they arrive after the perceived big day), and all hands on deck for wrapping and meal prep.
It’s really all about spending time with those you love. And while we can at times be all about fancy clothes and pressed starched linens, now it feels just right to be dialed down.
Every day dress, dialed down. Merry Christmas everyone. We’re keeping the celebration going. xo
Now on the west coast, but before leaving town husband wanted me to prepare a quick gift for some close friends. Always under the wire, but luckily we already had about a zillion Christmas cookies on hand and a few extra bottles of wine.
Cellophane bags, ribbon, greens and boxwood from the office party the night before, plus second hand baskets brought down from the attic, and French wine = basket up.
Traveled coast to coast with no make-up, and despite a few last minute holiday things to do, now we’re having fun.
For three nights straight, baked like crazy. Crazy stuff is going on all around in kitchens and beyond everywhere, busy time of year. Love the personal touch the hand can lend to gatherings large or small.
Baked like crazy when blessed by being home with a houseful of young children. Now four of them are out, two of them in, and youngest daughter said she loves when the house smells like Christmas.
For husband’s annual office Christmas party, this year in a space that was moderate and new, loaded the car with cookies and greens candles and decorations all from home. Dressed it up nicely.
Just as the clock hit six, slipped on super simple black dress. No manicure, no pedicure, no jewelry, thinking we’re all a bit baked like crazy. Client and friend told me yesterday the week before Christmas is one of the busiest of the year. Agreed.
One good thing about doing things many times is that you begin to understand that simple will do. This time of year, white lights, white flowers, (from her date’s mom, how nice!),white candles, fresh greens, good to go. A few ornaments and some glittered nutcrackers dress the table.
Youngest of six, high school date dance. Done this a time or two. 🙂
Even served super simple food. Punch, chips, dip, and cookies. They didn’t really eat a thing, it simply looked and felt special. Way too much excitement in the air, simple will do.
After the drive down, made some simple dinner and sat among the cranberry ginger ale topped with a cherry glasses.
One thing the chef talked about at Canyon Ranch cooking class was the single idea of keeping your oven at 400 degrees. Instead of adjusting the oven temperature, you simply adjust the cooking time. Much like perceived exertion when exercising, it’s really kind of a feel. Have been keeping that oven at 400 degrees this week, simple it is, simple will do. Cod, asparagus, tomatoes, all roasted, 400 degrees. (Not for baked goods, that gets more precise).
Every day dress, simple will do. Sister in CA messaged me at 4:28 am, ‘just caught the spirit – it always takes a little time but it’s good when it finally gets ya…
Love to all.
Style note: thinking all seven young women shortened their dresses with packing tape from the home office, how sweet.
This is what was ordered in afterwards, thank you Dante and La Nova Pizzeria, huge hit.