weeknight dinner


Even when you’re dog tired coming together at the end of the day is always a good thing. Make some dinner, light some candles, enjoy a glass of wine. Linen napkins help too.

New mustard shoes with rubber soles and short shorts make it easy to get stuff done.

Every day dress, weeknight dinner. 

Mustard Shoes | FLY LONDON | bought locally | ShoeFly Buffalo

white feels right


For the BBQ, wore all white. Was planning on a great white dress, husband thought jeans were a far better choice. White jeans, white cutaway, black boots. Right now all white feels right.


Whiskey barrels with blue Hydrangea punctuated the gravel driveway. It was a great night. 

Every day dress, all white feels right.

Wishing everyone a fantastic Monday.

love what you do


It’s quite great when you love what you do. One of the things that gets to be done with the real job, the one that actually sends a 1099, is write. Write about what you do. Today wrote this:

Do you…
love what you do
enjoy being around fun and interesting women
like to set your own schedule
like to determine how much money you make
love to wear beautiful clothing
enjoy helping others look and feel great
seem intrigued by the idea of a home office
have time for yourself?
You can have all these things and more
Fall In Love 
Love What You Do
in 2014
To learn more about being around the beautiful world of
Worth New York
call | text | email
Rebecca Collins
Director of Business Development
call | text | email
by August 2014
you will
Love What You Do
So there you have it. That’s the real job stuff here at every day dress. Love what you do.

fringed, and guilty


As fringe is a happening trend now and into Fall Winter 2014, recently added these fringed black Valentino boots to the footwear rotation. Actually, asked the husband to treat, and as there was really no heel involved, he said yes.

Plan on debuting them this Saturday night, every few years or so good friend and I host a country barbeque for a mixed bunch of town & country folk. Guest list is always fun, and diverse.


She’s completely social and loves lunches, dinners, group exercise classes, cards, travel, opera, has joined a running club, etc., keeps a good calendar and keeps good track of RSVP’s. She plans ahead, makes and keeps social commitments, and from what I know of her always replies to other invites in a proper and timely fashion. LOVE her.

Used to be like that. Now kind of guilty of being orderly underneath but much more spontaneous.  Full time job squared, lots of kids, man I love to be around, and a couple of houses will do that for sure. Big groups here at every day dress are a normal thing now and the feeling is with practice and patience and some up front planning it will always work out and there’s always room for a few more.

Guilty too in that I’ve been one of those very last-minute RSVP’s. Not nice, I know. 🙂

We make a good pair. She keeps me on task about how many bartenders and what time are they are showing up and like how much are we paying them? And what are the tablecloths and what are we putting on those tables?

So, friend, looked at tablecloths last night and even though we always like the real deal thinking we’ll go with red and white plastic gingham? The real deal will blow our budget and it is a barbeque, right? And potted low ferns for the tables? Saves us from cutting and arranging and watering fresh flowers and those ferns will look great around the house and on the porch after the shindig.

And the fringed boots? Those will go with I think a white dress and come fall I’ll pair them with something like this:


Fringed, and guilty. We’ve been scrubbing floors, pulling weeds, painting the coop. 15 dozen chocolate chip cookies now on deck.


Every day dress, 106 or so for wine beer booze and barbeque this Saturday night, no problem, all will be fine.

Fringed Boots | Valentino | NET-A-PORTER

Blanket Wrap Coat | Worth New York Fall 2014


inspired by


Thinking were not sure if we are inspired more by images of Carine Roitfeld’s delicious grand baby or her iconic fashion sense, have always loved babies, every day dress for sure inspired by her white boot-leg jeans and python print jacket. Following Carine Roitfeld on Instagram and loving her.

Pulled out the old seven for mankind (bootleg) jeans and paired it with a python print silk shirt, aquazurra suede shoe boots, and black crew neck tied around the shoulders for dinner out with the husband. Good clothes are mood transforming. They can and will lift you up.

Even though the body and the feet and the thighs might not relate to a fashion super hero, we can still all get the mood on by dressing well, and, you know, every day dress. It’s a mind-set, and a feeling, and an attitude.

Every day dress so inspired by Carine Roitfeld. Click here to view her awesome Instagram feed. , and her delicious grand baby and great outfits. (can’t yet get the regram app going, kind of need an admin, haha).

scarf as dress


We’ve seen scarf as halter, now we’re about scarf as dress. Packing for travel is always best when kept light, two nights in a row wore a variation of scarf as dress while staying at the Ritz Carlton in Key Biscayne FL. Carry on is the best, it’s always a good thing to be able to handle your own stuff. Two super light dinner looks take up next to nothing space.


Frist night wore a pink scarf print wrap and tie silk piece engineered as a dress with flat Valentino rock stud sandals. LOVE that dress. Looks like nothing on the hanger but once on the body so easy and fun and carefree and kind of unexpected. Sorry, no photo of this yet, traveled solo without thirteen year old photographer daughter. This dress is a complete summer go-to with a heel for a wedding or cocktail event or a flat sandal for a kind of laid back night-time bohemian look or daytime runaround.


Second night wore an actual scarf as dress. Same pair of flat sandals as the night before, black Eres tank bathing suit underneath for the foundation, and simply wrapped, twisted, and tied.  Super easy.

How to photos taken on the fly out at the country house in about five minutes flat. Kind of like getting dressed for the night after a busy full day, never seems to be enough time…


Every day dress, scarf as dress, two nights in a row.


first look

Writing this while flying back from Miami FL having had a first look at what’s coming soon for women of Worth New York. Had a front row right side seat and snapped photos on the digital camera, iPhone and iPad while Diane Manley and Cindy Hong presented Fall 2014. Here’s the first batch from the digital camera:


How about a suede piece that can be worn as a dress, tunic or coat and a belt with one or two zippered pockets that can hold your lipstick, credit card, and key(s)? Is there anywhere you can’t go while wearing that?



Now to black, black being black and the epitome of chic, perhaps navy and chocolate relate, how about a black shearling vest or a black quilted leather cycle jacket?


Decisions decisions.

While looking at those Miami FL models made me wish I could grow legs and limbs and a neck and inches and perpetually wear long, straight, perfect hair; think I’ll stick with dressing and finding beautiful women, all heights and widths, that like to embrace and love life, and wear gorgeous clothes while engaging, in other words, every day dress.

Every day dress, first look. Love to all.


a good boyfriend


Had the first good boyfriend probably four years ago in Healdsburg CA. Husband and friends were at Willi’s Seafood & Raw Bar and I dipped out to do a little shopping. Very fit travel friend thought I was kind of crazy with the purchase, why spend time in the gym if you’re going to wear baggy jeans? That good boyfriend traveled through CA and then the east coast and then Barcelona Spain and haven’t seen them since.

Picked up several more in the meantime and those seem to just disappear too. With four daughters and kind of a one size fits all a good boyfriend could be just about anywhere.

In a bit of desperation picked up this pair over spring break in Naples FL at believe it or not Boston Proper. Nice store in old Naples and was looking for something easy. You know, a good boyfriend loves you five pounds up or five pounds down, is not really looking for the latest in shoes or hair or makeup, but can just kind of be.

Every day dress loving a good boyfriend, and loving that the very best boyfriend is the husband. Love you husband, Happy Father’s Day and wishing you many returns of the day.

Boyfriend Jean | Boston Proper

Black Floral Tank | Worth New York 2014


Couple of notes: have tried to dress these up for dinner out and find they just don’t work. Yes, they can go to the Farmer’s Market on Saturday morning and can entertain friends and family at home, especially in the country, they just don’t seem to give enough respect when worn out after the runaround. Thoughts?


coral bomber with stan smith’s


Try as we might it seems it’s just too hard to stay in one place for very long. Traveling again on Monday for three days to study what’s coming our way for Fall Winter 14 fashion.

In the meantime been relying on this coral bomber jacket and borrowed from the boy’s Stan Smith kicks to do the runaround. Loving the bright bag from the Paris trip, pretty much treating it like a neutral and carrying it with just about everything.

Hope everyone’s off to the beginning of a fun Summer 14.

Why not try a bright athletic inspired jacket and some box fresh sneakers for your runaround? Wet hair and no makeup except for a quick slick of gloss keep it fresh.

Every day dress, coral bomber with Stan Smith’s.

Coral Bomber Jacket | Worth New York Summer 14

Sneakers | Stan Smith

I Am Love Tee | Haute Hippie | at Tony Walker & Co.

White Jean | Rag & Bone | at Tony Walker & Co.

Bag | Louis Vuitton

flatten out


With Father’s Day this weekend you might be doing some grilling. Here are a few ideas from a get together we had a few weeks ago. While steaks might be a favorite, sometimes poultry’s the thing, especially with a big group.

Bought 7 organic whole chickens from the market and Ina’s recipe called for them to be flattened. Flattened? Young butcher behind the counter had no idea what I was talking about so decided to just take those birds home and get it done. You can learn anything with your laptop and google. Put that thing right up on the kitchen windowsill and went to work. All those years of sewing and cutting fabric on the bias totally helped out.



Asparagus, leeks, fennel, peas, and chives went in the risotto stirred with vegetable broth. Sweetened it all up with a bit of marscapone cheese. Mesclun and a mustard vinaigrette rounded things out.


Sweet cherries and cookies, baked in the city and brought to the country, flat boots, bare feet, flat sandals, and blue jeans. We were all pretty much happily flattened out.

Photos below are not for the vegetarians, vegans, or those that don’t like to mess it up in the kitchen. They show what really went on.


Every day dress, not afraid to flatten out.

Happy upcoming Father’s Day.