If I had to choose one single outfit to wear each and every weekend, it would no doubt be blue jeans white shirt. Unimaginative, yet classic and great. Would choose too to cook simple food, the best in arm’s reach, and to set the table for family and friends with what’s at hand. Add some time to read, walk, sleep in past nine, heaven on earth.
Grounded the outdoor table for Saturday night’s dinner with a blue-green quilt. Saw mums at the farmers market and while we didn’t make the purchase, table setting is turning to the next season. Small coffee mugs with fresh-cut flowers, added basil and rosemary from the garden, love mixing fresh herbs on the dinner table, and Saturday night slipped into a lovely Sunday. Fresh coffee, sleep in a little, cut back the day lilies and the overgrown apple trees, depend on what’s only in the closet, blue jeans and white shirt, weekend is very good.
Actually read two books, one fiction, one not. Like to spread it out. The Good House, Rework. Both great, highly recommend.
Hoping you all had good thoughts on the weekend. Every day dress.