instead of capri pants
For gallery hopping, lunch, and then even dinner, while in Sedona, AZ, wore a strapless belted long silk dress and sandals.
Never really understood Capri pants. An ankle pant with a fabulous shoe? Yes, can go there. A Capri pant? Thank you, not happening.
Can’t quite get the appeal of cutting the leg into thirds. Especially when those legs might have curves? Curvy thirds is pretty hard to pull off. And then you have to add something different on top? Four of four daughters don’t even go there.
Yes, fashion is change and never say never. For now choosing the ease of a dress. Capri pants can wait.
Dress was purchased three years ago while traveling in Charleston, SC. Wore it constantly the first year, put it away for a while last year, and here it is again for a full day of gallery hopping and dining instead of Capri pants.
Fashion faux pas going on? Two oldest daughters would not like the exposed elastic holding the hair back. They would say to cover it, wrap a strand around it and tuck it in. Sorry girls, missed it.
Must be a reason I named this blog every day dress. Easy. Clean. Long.
Dress | Haute Hippie
last night at the ranch
Spent four days and four nights in the White Mountains of Arizona at Hidden Meadow Ranch horseback riding with husband and two youngest daughters. Perfect in so many ways.
Blue jeans, boots, and long-sleeved shirts were what was worn during the day, at night we showered and changed for dinner in dressed up versions of the day wear.
Last night put on the same outfit that was worn as first night while in Scottsdale, only first night it was with a high-heeled open toe Manolo Blahnik sandal. Must admit by day four I was missing those things just a little, they would have been extremely out-of-place up in the woods.
Anyways, pulled on dark denim jeans and a chambray blue linen tunic. Thinking that the camel colored suede boots cut the look into thirds and that a longer color of column would have been better. No going back, when traveling you sometimes go with what you have for where you are.
Cuff bracelet was purchased at the ranch mercantile to serve as a souvenir. Kind of gave up on souvenir t-shirts a long time ago.
Every day dress dresses for dinner in what was worn before in Scottsdale for last night at the ranch. Next stop, Sedona, AZ.
PS. Linen can and does travel. Simply learn to embrace the soft wrinkles, kind of like those that appear on the face. 🙂
Dark Denim Jean and Linen Tunic | Worth New York Spring Summer 2013
Cuff Bracelet | Hidden Meadow Ranch Mercantile
true grit
Last week Friday every day dress checked out of the Phoenician and left one of the best national sales meetings ever. Over 500 women were in attendance to learn more about best practices and view beautiful product. One of the words used at a breakout session was grit.
Since that time we have traveled all over the state of AZ and grit has been constantly on the mind. Grit as in small, loose particles of stone or sand which has basically dictated footwear choice, this is a fashion site, and grit as in courage and resolve, strength of character, the lifestyle piece.
Have to say that closed toe low boots have been the go to choice all week whether riding, hiking or sightseeing. They are really the best to deal with the beautiful, natural grit.
Now for the courage and resolve part: know I bring grit to life, wouldn’t be here blogging and seeking to inspire other women to live and dress with intent. Know I bring grit to family, would do absolutely anything for those I love.
Grit to the professional piece? Do I truly bring it? Know there is more. Here’s to bringing on true grit. With balance, of course.
Wishing all women courage and resolve.
back to brand
After two nights off happy to return to where the heart really is, back to brand, Worth New York.
Took the blue floral skirt from Wednesday night and added brown tank, denim shirt, brown belt and go to Chanel western riding boots, ha ha.
Yes, husband kind of comments about each new outfit but they are not really new outfits, simply new configurations of what has been worn before.
No shame in wearing things many times and photographing it too. Good clothes are meant to be worn and worn often.
So, here, every day dress, back to brand and wearing Worth New York. Don’t be afraid to wear your things often and to mix brown and blue, it works, really.
Skirt Tank Belt | Worth New York
Denim Shirt | 7 For All Mankind
Boots | Chanel | Super old so not adding the hyperlink 🙂
rodney strong winemaker dinner
Women, when going to a five course wine tasting dinner, especially in a beautifully casual setting, do not be afraid to wear your boots.
For dinner at Hidden Meadow Ranch with wines poured by Mitchell Preston of Rodney Strong Wine Estates and a menu created by chef Ben Mule, wore a long silk easy dress, silver and turquoise necklace, gray flat boots, and carried a small black clutch. Not bad for a tender foot east coaster, overheard well-heeled and well dressed professional AZ native woman saying, ‘wish I brought my boots.’
Dressing for dinner is a lovely and important tradition. After a day of archery, trail rides, and an arena lesson, slipping into a dress and wearing a little makeup is a very good thing to do. Every day dress suggests a dress and boots for any dinner at guest ranch after a day of riding.
Thank you Mitchell, Hidden Meadow Ranch, chef Ben Mule, and incredible staff ranch-wide. It was a memorable day and evening indeed.
boho chic
Every once in a while you just have to move off brand. Boho chic is not the usual look here, but hey, why not?
While shopping with two teenaged daughters at Johnny Was, decided to super quick slip this dress on while they were busy doing their thing. Loved the ease of simply slipping it on and loved the ease of the mesh fabric.
Every day dress does a little boho chic for a walk in the woods to dinner on a Friday night. Every once in a while it’s fun to try something new.
Yelia Mesh Dress | Johnny Was
resort to ranch
For Friday morning 7:30 am question and answer session with CEO, president, and founding partners, pulled on white jeans, same blouse and belt from Wednesday night dinner outfit, and boots that were worn on Tuesday for travel day. Had half an hour to attend the session and then it was hit the road for four and half hour drive to a guest ranch outside of Greer, AZ.
The clothes had to be polished enough for a company meet and greet yet comfortable and relaxed enough for the drive to the ranch. White blouse performed well for the company look and white jeans, boots, and silver belt gave it enough of a checking out of here and going somewhere else vibe while not being inappropriate. It was Friday after all.
Really wanted to wear grey boots, probably would have been a better look, but locked myself out of the hotel room while family was still sleeping and had to go with what was put on in the dark. Oh, well, not really that big of a deal.
Every day dress pulls together a resort to ranch look by pairing pieces together that were all worn before. Use your clothes in different ways.
first look at fall
For the design presentation of Fall 2013 by the talented Cindy Hong and Diane Manley, wore two pieces from the Fall 2013 Collection.
After two posts of writing about not showing shoulders or too much skin at a corporate meeting, threw that to the wind and went sleeveless. Fashion is about change, right?
Love how this Mahogany Leather Cropped Jacket looks paired with the Flannel White Singleface Marion Pant. The slim fit of the leather and easy fit of the pant create a balanced and modern proportion. This pant speaks for a heel and the nude mesh slingback Carolyn pump from many seasons back finished the look.
Didn’t want too much else going on with this so even took the watch and bracelets off. One strong silver cuff was it for the jewelry.
The Flannel White Pant? Can’t say enough about the luxuriousness of this fabric. 96% Wool and 4% Elastane barely showed wear after 8 hours of sitting. These photos were snapped after a full day at work by youngest daughter upon her arrival.
White pants can be tricky, even on the best figures. Had my tailor shorten the pockets to reduce bulk and lines along the front. The pockets were a great design feature, it’s just that these athletic legs didn’t need anything else up front.
Took some pictures of what’s coming for Fall 2013. Stay tuned. For now here are two pieces you could wear now and pretty much anytime at all. Love having clothes that can transition.
Mahogany Leather Cropped Jacket | Worth New York Fall 2013
Flannel White Singleface Marion Pant | Worth New York Fall 2013
company dinner resort look
For a company wide dinner resort look in the desert with 500 or so very well dressed women, went for a Ralph kind of look.
Packed this floral long silk skirt with the not shown matching sleeveless shell and had all intentions of doing that but at the last-minute decided to go long-sleeved classic white stretch cotton blouse with turned up cuffs. Added a black silver and turquoise belt that was purchased at the Albright-Knox Art Gallery years ago during a Georgia O’Keefe exhibit. Black flat sandals, the dinner was held on an actual desert floor, and a simple black and silver clutch finished the look.
Felt good in the clothes. After years of showing skin liked being covered up. There were plenty of women looking totally fabulous in short dressy shorts, silver tank tops, long sleeveless dresses, short dresses and boots, this just felt good to wear something a little unexpected.
The whole group looked great, the only clothing item I must suggest shying away from for a company dinner resort look outdoors are your trusty black pants. If black is your style signature, of course go for it and make it amazing. If it is simply your default put the black pants away for a beautiful night in June out in the desert for your company dinner.
Have fun with your clothes and sometimes try something a little unexpected. For this pairing, unexpected and completely covered felt right.
Every day dress tries a company dinner resort look with 500 other extremely well-dressed women.
Photos were snapped quickly by colleague and friend Linda in the parking lot before heading out, thank you Linda. Dinner was absolutely amazing at The Phoenician‘s Jokake Inn, thank you Worth New York.