

When you love what you do, business travel can be pretty much all sweetness. Yesterday’s in and out trip to NYC, great fun. Today’s sort of planned but not definite until the last-minute road trip to Albany, NY? Very sweet with Reese’s peanut butter cups.

Decorated cookies? Gifted today to colleague Mary Collins by friend and client Kathi Sullivan. Amazing what women can do for one another.

Outfit on hotel room bed? What was planned for today but will be for tomorrow as pink jeans and white silk blouse are not great travel companions when driving on the 90 while eating chocolate peanut butter hearts.

Happy Valentine’s Day. Hope each and every one of you enjoyed a bit of sweetness. Miss you, husband, have a great time golfing. xoxo

Jeans | the Stilt Adriano Goldschmied purchased recently at Tony Walker & Company

Blouse | Worth New York

Lingerie | La Perla

Chocolate Hearts | Reese’s


imageimageA classic wardrobe created over time helps the whole party get dressed and out the door when fancy last  minute dinner reservations are made. For Fat Tuesday, haha, the party went uptown.

As oldest daughter planned a three day visit and is now staying for twelve, couldn’t be happier, she needed something to wear when the skinny jeans just wouldn’t pass.

A closet of black dresses did the trick. As did the Chanel 2.55 handbag she has basically taken over since touchdown. It’s okay. Received it as a birthday gift for the 35th year and it has been a constant and classic key piece to the wardrobe ever since. Love that it looks great on her and makes her feel good when carrying it.

A little background to share with the younger girls: Coco released this classic piece in February of 1955. Therefore the numbered name, 2.55.

Classic bag and little black dresses to the every day dinner rescue when back in town with only skinny jeans.

Today, Wednesday, every day dress took the 5:45 am flight to JFK, dressed in black, black, and you guessed it, black. Helps to have the wardrobe classics when you need to get out the door quick.

This post done literally on the fly with iPhone and iPad only. Pretty cool for a forty-seven year old woman working from home in fashion to do, right? If you, or someone you know would like to do some cool fashion stuff too, email me here, rebecca@everydaydress.com. Would love to add to the every day dress team in both big and small ways.

Thanks for reading. Let’s all go out and make it a great day.

black and blue


Oldest daughter took last flight out of Boston Thursday night before all the weather hit. Her roommate, second daughter, college sophomore, decided to fend off the cold in the sort of empty apartment on Friday and invited half the men’s Boston College soccer team for a pasta dinner. Smart girl. So glad with all those academics she might have learned to cook a thing or two along the way.

Oldest daughter, Linnie, knows denim. Actually, come to think of it, all four daughters know denim. Can’t even begin to count the pile. As second son was set to DJ at the local rag & bone new release event here in Buffalo, NY, Linnie insisted that a pre-party stop-in to update the denim wardrobe was an absolute necessity.

So, while fashion week has gone on in NYC and every day dress has followed along socially, we had our own little live fashion night out, here, Friday. Linnie was asked to model and with a little coaxing, said yes. Every day dress was asked to model too, and after a dressing room fit session, said thank you, but no. You know all that cake that’s been going down? Not a good look when considering modeling cool rag & bone. Bought a pair, black obviously, to wear to the event instead of being in the event. Much better choice.

Artists from Laura Mercier did the make-up, 716 NYC did the music, and rag & bone provided most of the fashion. Champagne, white wine, and pink frosted cupcakes were on hand and an absolutely fantastic Roberto Coin trunk show was going on as well. Fun Friday night. While certainly not fashion week, Buffalo does have it going on in an every day kind of fashion way. Thank you Tony Walker & Company.

Shown here are the said new black rag & bone’s shot in the home gym, where every day dress should be parked until dropping that cake weight. Included too are a few iPhone photos from the event proper.

Every day dress did Fashion First Fridays at Tony Walker & Company. Three of four daughters modeled, and second son DJ’d. Added five more pair to the pile. Miss you E and Booie. Thought of naming the post rag & bone but kind of afraid of search engine results. Went with black & blue. Happy Monday. Hope everyone is warm and dry.

Jeans | rag & bone

Blouse | Worth New York | love combining black & blue lately

one P.S.- Love reading all the latest fashion info and kind of love looking at super thin fashion images. Yes, the clothes look great but can’t imagine only eating apples and not doing push-ups or lunges. Every day dress images are for the every day.



before the storm


Media has been all about the impending big storm, cancelled flights, school closings. So, before all the heavy outerwear comes on for the weekend, decided to go coatless yesterday.

Wednesday all black, Thursday tried for color. White, orange, red, blue. White jeans, orange silk blouse, red bracelets, blue blanket wrap instead of a coat.

While the weather report predicts stormy days ahead, the only thing I know from looking at recent media (camera for sure adds ten) is that it’s time to think about not eating cake. Anyone with me?

Have a great Friday.

Jeans and Blouse | Worth New York

Bracelets and Blanket Wrap | Hermes

Bag | Prada

make it good


Every day dress has met with some pretty amazing women in the last forty-eight hours.

Jamie, left our lunch together so inspired. Wheat grass shots, loved them, conversation about yoga, positive thinking, positive people and positive interaction, all about that. Thank you.

Amy, you are beautiful. Amazing style, really, really good energy. Would love to meet with you again. Best wishes with the skiing lessons.

Linda, in one hour while having lunch with you kind of felt like I knew your forever. This is really out there but here goes, love your legs. Think I might have to take up running again.

Melissa, your email was so great. Came at the perfect time. I think we all wonder sometimes what are we really doing? Thank you for affirming.

Diana, keep the faith. It seems it’s all about connecting and creating. We’ll make it good.

When your day starts with driving kids, business conference call, drive 160+ miles, meet with incredible women, drive home 160+ miles with one business stopover halfway back, let the dogs out, think OMG what is happening for dinner tonight, have to make it good, stop at the co op, go to 7th grade basketball game, pick up 8th grader from ski club, go home want to collapse but make dinner because that’s what’s been created, twenty-two year old son comes by and shares with you what’s going on in his world, because that dinner thing has been created, and all is good.

Roast a pile of asparagus because that’s so easy, four buffalo medallions with a mixture of Dijon mustard, fresh rosemary, butter, salt and pepper, slice a new loaf of bread and serve with salted butter. While cooking have a little white.

As it was road trip day spent the entire day in the same outfit, all black. Seems to be the best thing to wear when driving and drinking coffee. No outfit photos, it was the regular, black jeans, black turtleneck, black boots. As the outfit was super simple it made it easier to concentrate and focus on everything else that was going on.

Busy days, made good. Thank you all amazing women. Together, we can all make it good.

Sweater on handsome son | Ermenegildo Zegna





in the mood


Alright, first Monday in February and need to lighten things up. Mondays can be tough, February can be tough, so the two together needed something a little ‘tongue in cheek.’

Dug through photo archives and wanted to post something that might bring a smile to your face, too, if you might be having the Monday in the mood February blues?

Shown here is a photo of cookies every day dress baked for an adult dinner party in February. Yes, last February but wanted to post so that if you are inspired and want to smile or share these sweet treats you have time to do the baking and frosting before that day next week.

Who knew sugar cookie heart cut-outs could be so much fun?


Email if you would like baking tips. Every day dress has baked and decorated a zillion cookies.

Here’s to tomorrow and Tuesday! 🙂


for the super bowl


Super Bowl Sunday is a great day to get together and celebrate with family and friends. Every day dress will be tuned in at home, not in New Orleans, eating pizza and buffalo wings with husband, kids, and Monnie. Thank you Monnie for ordering the pizzas yesterday as you know you can’t get even close to that today.

We create our own little party and actually cheer for both teams as we like to see a good game. And, with the brother story, how could you not?

Outfit repeat helps for home parties. As the cheering is slightly swayed towards the 49ers, to get more in the mood will be wearing this brick suede shirt with blue jeans. Perfect color, don’t you think?

Here’s to Super Bowl Sunday. Wherever you are hope you all have a super great day.

Every day dress parties at home and has almost 25,000 site views. Thank you.

Brick Suede Shirt and Scarf | Worth New York

Jeans | DL1961


make-up secrets


Jemma Kid ‘Make-Up Secrets’ has become a recent addition to the health, beauty, fashion, lifestyle resource library. This hardcover edition makes for some easy fireside reading and might also be good inspiration for new techniques when you go to make-up every day.

Gifted to me by naturally beautiful forty-something sister, this book has solid information for women of all ages and make-up style. Twenty-two, twenty, fourteen and twelve-year-old daughters all found it engaging and helpful. Valentine’s Day gift idea for yourself or someone else special?

Had an enriching hour restocking twenty year old daughter in Sephora before she headed back to Boston College for second semester. She is a make-up and bronzer addict and uses it daily. So, to stay current picked up this Diorskin Nude Tan. Beautiful blue box states: the 1st makeup by Dior that warms the natural skin tone and adjusts to ambient light for a healthy glow all year round. With every application the skin becomes more radiant and energized with a beautiful natural glow. How can you resist that? Love the shiny silver compact and the mini kabuki brush that comes with it. Thought a bigger brush was needed so picked up the Chanel Powder brush at a different store. Love Chanel make-up products and can only get Chanel fragrance at Sephora.

Jemma suggests using a small brush for more control. With some practice realized she is right. The brush that comes with the bronzer makes the application, combined with her diagrams on suggested shading areas, pretty darn foolproof.  Follow her lead and the process of ‘bronzing’ in February will look natural and healthy. The bigger brush is a useful tool for a final finish.

Since the high temperature will be 12 degrees today, every day dress is foregoing the outdoor healthy look by skipping the skiing and chooses fireside reading, working, and posting. The bronze look will come from the blue box.

Thank you sister for great new book. Always up for fresh ideas and Make-Up Secrets.

Have a great Saturday. xoxo


what mary wore


Women are curious. Friend and Worth New York colleague Mary Collins was in Washington DC two weekends ago for inaugural fun with her husband, newly elected congressman Chris Collins.

Yes, a presidential inauguration is pretty serious stuff. Here, since it’s Friday, TGIF, sharing with you what can sometimes be equally important, what Mary wore. 🙂

Mary tells me Katy Perry is absolutely gorgeous. Mary, we think you are absolutely gorgeous.

Lightheartedness aside, sincere congratulations Mary and Chris. Thank you both for all you do.

black and white


Totally thinking about a black and white ribbon bow plaid strapless dress for Spring 2013. Snug fitting and available size 0 to 16, many women will look so great in this piece. Whatever your size, a fitted silhouette is always flattering.

Reality is, and has been for the past three days, these great black ponte pants and fine merino wool turtleneck sweater. Standard outfit that worked for travel to ski house and après ski, grocery shopping and cooking, even Friday and Saturday night dinners out. No kidding, same outfit, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, simply switched out boots, vests, and jackets. Kept the packing minimal and the husband happy.

Every day dress does black and white now and is planning more black and white for Spring 2013.

All clothing | Worth New York