Youngest of six is headed to university this fall, and first daughter will be married this August, at home. It’s been a bit of a go-go, never really knew we needed heaters and air conditioners and generators and a foolproof rain plan for a tent out in the countryside, yikes. We’ve put on parties and dinners out there for decades, yet this one coming up is out of our ordinary, we’re wedding planning, and sending our youngest off to college, all in a short breath. Spent last weekend on the road to Providence RI, and the week or so before that in Charleston and Greenville SC. Not sure where we really are these days, on the road or in the air.
Husband has been into the Airbnb thing, and that is good. You get to settle in a bit and cook. If there’s a thing or two that can settle the soul it just might be losing your mind for a while and putting dinner out for a dozen or so. Time slows down when you’re at the table, with those you love.
Happy Monday everyone, we’re quickly headed into trunk show mode again, getting on with our other equal passion, helping women find clothing to wear and love.
Six years ago today we put our first post up here, and if we’re completely honest with ourselves we’re looking to reclaim some of our mojo. It’s kind of funny, no one is really out there waiting for a new entry. Yet when we don’t write I feel anxious, and let it go for a while, and then feel more anxious, and then it feels even harder to get back to it. Kind of like the gym, when you’re in the habit it’s a daily do, and you feel better, even when you don’t.
So, here goes: writing and posting here keeps my brain engaged, even if it’s simply content about food and clothes. We’ve had a love affair with both for as long as we can remember, and we’ll need to be fed and dressed for as long as we’re here so content continues. If you’ve been a reader for a while thank you, I like sharing my space.
Several years ago through my professional work with Worth New York I heard Tom Black, entrepreneur and wine collector, speak. Motivational, yes, and since then I’ve subscribed to his Success Quotes for Daily Living. Yesterday, this landed in my inbox:
Ignore all hatred and criticism. Live for what you create, and die protecting it. – Lady Gaga
And with that, we continue. Every day dress, and every day cook. Food and clothes, in any order, with as much style as we can gather.
of the several group photos this one’s a favorite, as it shows love, laughter, movement, and no perfect posing
Photos here are of recent visit to Charleston, South Carolina. Easter Sunday we brunched at The Obstinate Daughter, Sullivan’s Island, and did a beach walk afterwards, thank you, Lucy. There were eleven of us in total, now ten of us are back in the northeast and we’re all waiting on spring.
Hmmm, second day of spring 18 and we’re keeping up, barely. Yeah, we’ve worked, and worked out, and cooked, but honestly once we’re through with what we need to get done for the day we’re in our least, or maybe most, haha, favorite position, on the couch. I secretly vow to myself every morning that this day will be different, with no after dinner couch loafing, and I’ve yet to break the cycle, even with much determined determination.
We’ve been dealt a long, never giving up winter, and this elective foot surgery thing has taken more out of us than we bargained for. It’s crazy how much you depend on your home base, the two feet and more that ground you.
So, we’ve kind of checked out for a while, and when we’re checked in it’s in super simple clothing, and most often sneakers. Our most favorite thing is making sure those we love are fed, and yesterday did a little steamed cabbage and salmon fillet, just before we headed out for the night, in simple clothing, and sneakers, hours before we came back and hit the couch, again.
picked up fourteen new French ramekins with most recent paycheck, can’t wait to do summer berry tartlets in these
before the Bain Marie, did two trays of these
ready to go, flowers, creme brûlée, lobster, crab legs and shrimp done up in court bullion chilled down and packed up in Worth New York sweater bags
Love throwing a little dinner for (ten) friends, and did just that Saturday, in ski country. Did the cooking city-side, and packed it all up for the drive-out. The big bummer of the night was that I/we couldn’t connect to the wi-fi, so no Sonos action, or even iTunes playlist, yikes. A few dinner guests got a hotspot, thank you Liz and Brian, and played a little music from their mobile device, thank you. Without good sound surround we simply filled the night with deep laughter and heartfelt (sometimes on the rowdy side) conversation. Style lesson, never underestimate the power of the sound system, and try to get yourself on-site at least 24 hours in advance so at least you can do some trouble shooting, no such luck on a Saturday afternoon three hours before guests are to arrive.
GP’s Spring Fattoush salad before the hand toss, minus the pre-chopped mint and cilantro, totally forgot about those in the fridge, oh, well…
first course, salad, served on standard dinner plate, second course, spring beef stew, served on soup plate
spring beef stew with cauliflower rice in the background
creme brûlée, chocolate brownie cookie, and fresh mint garnish
As much as I try to do a lot of stuff up-front it’s always a hustle when it gets to be go-go time. Kind of dig that adrenaline rush of trying new things and getting things done, being on the edge I swear keeps you fresh, and feeling a little alive.
when you cook you get to have leftover shellfish and Chardonnay for breakfast
one of our favorites, hyacinth, in a single color bouquet
when you cook you get to have leftover shellfish and sparkling wine for lunch the next afternoon
Had a great little outfit yet couldn’t get the photo done, seems that the kitchen dinner is where the action happens most nights, as we’re really all hands in, hands on.
seafood platter on ice and in the snow
blue sky, white snow, pure love
xo, kitchen dinner, every day dress, every day cook, take the risk, just go with it, even when the music just doesn’t seem to play.
last weeks travel outfit, all black, add boots (or Birks with socks), and jacket for
upstate New York
Woke up Saturday morning after a month of being on the road and dutifully weighed in, yikes. Number was up, and couldn’t fit in shoes, (obviously, double foot surgery 7 1/2 weeks ago), or clothes, (can’t do the minimum 10,000 steps a day, and lots of restaurant dining), and thought, hmm, well, this is interesting. So, we’ve been back at the gym, every week day since.
Zero complaints, we’ve got two legs and two arms and a head that works. We’re simply doing what we do, eating protein at breakfast, making the bed, walking the dogs, getting out of the exercise clothes, putting on make-up, making dinner, spending time with those we love, and enjoying a glass of wine. We’re also dressing women, and cleaning up the garden.
In our conversations with our women it’s so often about ‘I’m on a diet’. Sorry, really don’t agree. Keeping your weight down by moving and whole foods, yes, some weird of the minute diet, so no. Like, wtf is Keto? I remember my grandmother Lottie being on Atkins and the pee strips in the bathroom and that was double decades ago, and she never lost any weight. If there was a diet that worked there wouldn’t be any new diet, so there, just saying.
The scale is our compass, simply guiding us, and when to pay more attention.
Every day dress; well, this is interesting, always. xo
Recent Instagram posts feature a dress and a tee by JCrew, a brand I haven’t worn in years. JCrew used to be our family go-to for outfitting five of our six kids, one just didn’t get it and still doesn’t and probably won’t ever, talking about you, Booie. As it often goes we’ve circled back. During holiday time oldest daughter and I stepped in to their Madison Avenue boutique and picked up some sweaters, one cashmere, one not, and both of those sweaters have been regular players in each of our wardrobes. The recent purchases they made quite easy, with an email online thing offering a discount of I think 20% or 30%, so picked out a few things and hit submit. The box with a few tees, a dress, and a pair of sunglasses arrived a few days later.
Their tees don’t need any double thinking, they can be worn out, to they gym, and for coffee in the morning, and really don’t impact the clothing budget or the overall aesthetic. A dress, however, can be a game changer, and a commitment. Wasn’t sure I was going to keep it or not, and threw it in the carry-on for little Florida getaway.
Late yesterday afternoon we headed to St. Petersburg, and the dress offered the ‘what to wear’ solution, thank you, JCrew. In my idealized world I’d be living in the Tuscan countryside and wearing Cucinelli, yet in the now we’re living in upstate New York, wearing most often Worth New York and W by Worth, and traveling wherever, and life is good.
So, we kept the dress, because it was easy. And wore it with leather. A dress is one and done. We’re heading home tomorrow, and moving into trunk show mode. Here we come Worth New York and W by Worth, we’re so looking forward to our women and some new season spring clothes. Trunk dates: tomorrow, Friday, February 23rd – Thursday, March 1st, and Tuesday, March 6th – Monday, March 12th.
self-portrait and recommitted to wearing a little make-up
we’re in FL and off-shoulder dress with pockets is two years ago new
Regular readers, you’ve probably noticed a drop in postings, we’ve been in one of those lulls that happens when you live for a while. Triple decades of marriage, six great kids, and tons of travel have been on our mind. We’ve been self-cleaning our house, literally and really. Also, our first wedding, for oldest daughter.
As for the blog we’ve thought we need new gear, or a new look, a fresh jaw line, and some new clothes. And when you’ve lived for a little you begin to learn you don’t need all that new stuff, we really need to self-teach ourselves to love ourselves now. You know how when you might find a photo or yourself from maybe five years ago and you think, damn, I look pretty good? And you might look at an image of yourself now and think it’s just not good enough? This post is about let’s love ourselves now. If not now, when? And also how?
black leather jacket, denim, and one-shouldered washed silk
The new camera will wait, the jaw line, whatever, and the new clothes are coming. I’m simply going to jump back into this blog thing and write, and post, and hope to help women feel better, and perhaps be inspired so that we are all the very best versions of ourselves, today.
Here at the every day love can be celebrated anytime; day, night, holiday, in town or on the run.
Last weekend husband and I got away at Langdon Hall, and really did nothing but lounge, spa, wine, & dine. Property had bikes with snow tires and snow shoes, we did neither. Would have loved to have given those a whirl, still have some tender feet going on. The gym was a yes, that’s an almost every day thing, as changes are easy, home or away.
room service salmon, love the plating technique, always learning
I had room service salmon for one, and they gifted us fresh bread and scratch butter upon our departure, love.
vegetable stock prep
Naturally it inspired me for all things food, and once home immediately started vegetable stock prep.
coconut chickpeas with spinach and sun-dried tomatoes over brown rice
mise en place for pumpkin risotto and roasted broccoli
pumpkin risotto garnished with toasted pecans
Two daughters are now meat-free, and I’m studying plant-based cooking, simply to learn more and to merge more plants into our daily rotations. Not sure we will ever be fully plant-based, way too soon to say, and there’s always that cheeseburger. 🙂
chop chop chop
sea scallops with Thai peanut sauce
local chocolate hearts
spring fattoush, salmon skewers with chimichurri, and cauliflower rice
vegan, gluten-free, sugar-free, chocolate mousse with cashew cream
leftovers with a glass of bubbly for the cook, breakfast or lunch next day
Last night we did family dinner for Valentine’s at home, and celebrated at the family table. Food was amazing, and honestly it needed to be, as it required enormous chopping time of plant ingredients, yikes.
Tomorrow five of us head south for another weekend away, this time for some vitamin D, love all around. We’ve felt the food love yet feeling a bit of a style rut, and really hoping some warmer temperatures will inspire all things spring.
Peace and love to all, and wishing you soulful times in your kitchen and good clothes on your body.
I do think women like to know possibilities of what to wear
For three nights second daughter and I camped in at The Nomad, and for three days second daughter, first daughter (bride-to-be) and I shopped out by appointment various atelier for the precious dress.
black cropped denim, oversized sweater, silk blouse underneath
It was sublime, and close to perfection. Each morning we started with eggs and avocado in The Atrium and then walked, taxied, and ubered around town for dress appointments. There was champagne, and chardonnay, joyful tears, and honestly plenty of burgers, and fries.
We took a million iPhone photos, and at the end of it all decided to keep those albums private. Sharing here are a few photos from the Canon Rebel, with none, by design, of the bride to be.
on the floor at JFK while charging the iPhone
feet up on the carry-on, glitter socks, a tote, and a bag
got out the mandolin for a little slicing practice
another kale salad prep
whiter roses, blue hydrangea, and a candle, for the counter
For the record, not having elective surgery in the near next decade or so, and not paying much attention to SEO, or search engine optimization, a rabbit hole I went down while getting over recent elective stuff.
Three weeks to the day returned to the grocery, and tucked in supplies to cook dinner. We’ve been cooking a little, grilled cheese and things we prepped before, yet today was first day out. Grocery delivery is a good thing, when your daughter runs to the store even better, thank you Booie.
We were craving some vitamin D, and took the dogs on a slow shuffle down the block and back. That’s one of our things here at every day dress, walk the dogs, or walk yourself.
I spy Winston hanging around
We like to cook, and it calms any anxiety that might be happening when you’ve got people coming to the table, even when it’s dinner for three.