this is it


Okay, so this is what I really wear when going out for dinner with husband, twenty-two year old son and twenty year old daughter- navy silk blouse and black wool long fitted zippered skirt. Been talking to clients about combining navy and black for multiple seasons, it works, simply try it.

This is it, no recent Botox, no slimming shape-wear. Simply the clothes and the forty-seven year old woman. Love that the new in make-up look is the smokey dark eye and the nude lip- if you like to eat and drink that cherry red lip from last year is kind of hard to keep up. Do the eyes, mouth is fine.

Ken Downing says to wear an armful of bracelets but I only have two, it will have to be.

Here goes, what the heck, every day dress at its most basic: navy silk blouse, black skirt, minimal make-up. Hope you all have a great silk blouse and go to black fitted skirt for when your loved ones want to get together for dinner out.

Thank you husband, will miss you Booie. Twenty-two year old son, always so great to see you. xo

All clothes | Worth New York



Sometimes you just have to put yourself in the hands of a professional and let the strong wind carry you with it, even when you feel lost in a sandstorm. Every day dress has consulted with women since last week Thursday on matters of what to wear. Trunk Show has been going on, and we have been hard at work.

While there are lots of great fashion blogs out there that show absolutely gorgeous young twenty somethings’ that look great in just about everything, this is a site here for those of us that understand the intricacies of the clothing we wear. What you wear has pretty much everything to do with the lifestyle you lead, therefore the site name, every day dress, and tag line, fashion and lifestyle. When you’ve lived for a while and have what can sometimes feel like never-ending responsibilities, getting dressed well takes time, consideration, thought, and gosh darn it, work. You can pretty much stand in your closet sometimes and feel like you are thirsty in the middle of the desert, or in this analogy, the closet.

Last night, put myself in the hands of fashion consultant husband. He studies the stock market every morning, diligently reads New York Times and Wall Street Journal fashion news, and definitely has his finger on the pulse. From a showroom full of beautiful Spring 2013 clothing and accessories, here is one of his picks:

Sandstorm Ikat Floral Raintreated Print Beaded Dress

He liked the fitted bodice, the waist defining belt, the full throwback kind of skirt. He thought the fabric was interesting and the beaded neckline enough of a statement that nothing else was needed except for some shoes. What he really liked was when I put it on with a low kitten heel, hold your breath twenty year old daughters, this too shall pass. He has read all about that single sole ladylike shoe thing and handing me every darn article he can on that trend. He doesn’t get the aggressive platform look but kind of goes along being the father of four fashion conscious daughters.

So, here is kind of the gist of this blog post. When offered time and guidance, sometimes even when it feels like a strong wind and you’re not really sure you want to go there, get swept up. Probably would have not have really chosen this kind of look for myself but, you know what? When I put it on it made me feel surprisingly chic and modern. It answered the question of what to wear if for say I had a big event to go to this coming weekend.

Trunk Shows with a trusted confident are the perfect way to explore what works for your current wardrobe and lifestyle needs. Hey, everything moves so quickly around us and is constantly changing. Yes, depend on your trusted wardrobe basics but sometimes go beyond a bit and get carried away to a new place fashion wise. Go with a strong wind. Put yourself in the hands of a professional and see where you land. You might just surprise yourself and really like the feeling and the look of trying something that is not your usual.

Every day dress does Trunk Show Spring 2013 with husband at the helm on a late Tuesday evening. Comments or thoughts?

To explore wardrobe basics and maybe something out of the ordinary, Trunk Show continues through the morning of Tuesday, March 12th. Here’s my cell to contact me: 716-445-3033. Would love to see you.

PS thanks for reading and hanging in there with all the indoor photo shots. Looking forward to warmer weather ahead so we can head outdoors again. Every day dress is approaching 30,000 site views. Love this little underground off the radar community. xoxo

Dress | Worth New York Spring 2013

Shoes | Manolo Blahnik | many seasons back




ski house orange


Orange wall paint, that is. In the kitchen. While clothing, closets, food, and fitness are the focus areas of this blog here, decided that could be stretched a bit with a post about recent upgrade work at the ski house. Qualifies as lifestyle, probably. And, it’s really all about the sharing of ideas and resources.

Husband decided at Thanksgiving that he couldn’t face one more ski season with white laminate kitchen cupboards and countertops, and the seventies style of the two full bathrooms. Called in Ellicottville contractor and restaurateur Mike Nickolson. He got where we were going in about ten minutes flat. No change of footprint anywhere, simply update the fixtures and surfaces. He gave us the proposal, we gave him the keys, and, five weeks later, new kitchen and two baths delivered on time and on budget. Pretty great.

Why the post name ski house orange? In a moment of weakness thought we needed some color consultation for the wall paint so called in local interior designer to spin the color wheel. While she nailed it for the one bathroom the kitchen color she chose just did not work. Dark green- in a kitchen. Should have known better. So, before the full paint job was totally dry husband specified an orange re-do. Explained the desired new color to Mike on the phone from an hour or so away and left it in his good hands. Orange it was.

Ski house is now super warm and cozy. Thank you Mike and crew. The orange heats things up in a good way and makes you want to linger. The new heated floors in the two bathrooms, slam dunk. If you ever have the option of putting heated floors anywhere at all in upstate New York, go for it.

Exercise bike and weight bench on the upper deck in the second bathroom were added in the first upgrade go round four years ago. That space was originally a several person super-sized sunken tub/jacuzzi in lipstick red. It was outrageous. Always wanted to fill the thing with ice and champagne bottles for a super huge party. Exercise bike and weight bench made a healthier alternative, I suppose.

Hope you are all having a great weekend. If you’ve had enough snow, gray skies, and cold temperatures, come on in city side, tomorrow, Monday, March 3 through the morning of Tuesday, March 12, for a look at some really great clothes for your closet. Spring 2013 Trunk Show going on now until the twelfth. Every day dress is getting pretty good at re-dos and upgrades, kitchens, bathrooms, and closets.

ps Aileen, this one’s for you. Enjoy CA.

Kitchen and Baths | G. M Nickolson Construction Inc.

like the wait staff


Fashion post promised, so, trying to deliver: every time I put on a white shirt and dark pants, oldest daughters reply, oh, no, that looks like the wait staff. Too bad, sometimes you’ve just got to serve. 

For busy day at work when it’s all about you out there- helped seventy or so women pick out a sweater, jacket, and do the Kennedy loop with a scarf, thirty something CEO look official when all she wants to do is wear North Face and Lulu lemon, and stay at home mom and  fitness buff pick out the go-to dress, every day dress was all about ‘like the wait staff.’

White silk blouse, you’ve seen it before, and grey tropical weight wool trouser. ‘Borrowed’ the Ferragamo belt from twenty-two year old son, love to wear menswear. Too tight for his low-rise, kind of fits perfectly for waist-down on the mid-life.

White silk and gray wool, it’s okay. Not necessarily high fashion but long life.  These are the kind of wardrobe basics you go to when you are as busy as all get out.

Come on in, trunk show goes through March 12th. Here to help you put together a wardrobe that reflects you, and works for you with whatever every day presents: seventy, CEO, or stay at home, every day dress is ‘like the wait staff.’

Too bad twenty something year old daughters– the silver sequins will happen, this is not the week. Every day dress does the wait staff look, hey, when you are busy, it works.

All clothes | Worth New York

who cooks


New friends from LA that were met last week Tuesday took us up on our offer to visit at the ski house, overnight. Kind of risky, don’t know these people, but they said yes. Maybe it was that we met over food and wine, if nothing else, we could eat and drink. Maybe it was that husbands shared first and last names, no kidding.

Plans were made for lunch, in town, followed by dinner at home, educational wine seminar/tasting, out. In between there was a walk to the club chalet and through the cross-country trail, with dogs.

Cooking for a crowd is now second nature. Cooking for six, no problem. Simply order the meat city-side bring with and kind of wing it for the small stuff, like the parsley. Got that at the ski town grocery. Kind of funny that in came in plastic pots and not one big bunch.

Dinner was sliced beef tenderloin, easiest thing ever, roasted cherry tomatoes, garlic parsley potatoes, and haricots verts, all served on one big platter. Decadent gorgonzola cream sauce on the side. Thank you Barefoot Contessa.

Went to the wine tasting in town and as educator/sommelier was talking about the pours, put a general question out there, ‘who cooks?’ Pause. New friend answered, ‘every one cooks.’ Yes, of course.

For this post every day dress celebrates every one out there who cooks. Had a fun evening, thank you new friends, Shannon, and E-Ville Spirits.

Next morning did the standard, bacon, eggs, and toast, rounded it out with sautéed spinach that was supposed to be the night before’s salad but ran out of time. Oh, well, greens are always good.

Guests left, one had a flight to catch, and we headed back city-side. Monday morning comes, and again, road trip for work, 160 miles each way.

Arrive home, dinner time: everyone wants dinner so who cooks? Boneless, skinless kosher chicken breasts, roasted broccoli, sautéed zucchini, and quick spanish rice for a Monday night’s dinner. One platter, light some candles, every day dress and every one cooks.

Celebrating every one out there who cooks.  Food is a beautiful thing. Great weekend and Happy Monday.

ps wrote this post on Monday but have been so darn busy at work with good stuff it’s taken me until almost Thursday to upload the photos and hit publish. Hope everyone is well and having a great week. Good job Diana, welcome back Susan, welcome Linda. Every day dress.

When living in upstate New York in February, food and wine kind of becomes your focus. 🙂 Fashion posts will start again March 1, promise.

Finally installed a Photo Shrink App, amazing what you can teach yourself when you decide to throw  yourself into the blogging world. Thank you google.

Random thoughts, random mind. See you tomorrow. xoxo







One of the guiding tenets of every day dress is to make some dinner. Who doesn’t like dinner? Frankly, I start to think about it usually at breakfast.

Another thing we talk about here is walk your dog(s) or walk yourself. Frankly, too darn cold here for that now. Dogs are even in the deep dark freeze.

Can’t look at chicken and can’t think of fish. Husband has a ‘biggest loser’ thing going on at the office so can’t do pasta. Decide on Barefoot Contessa’s California Pizza and know fully well that husband will only eat the top half, no delicious homemade crust for him, weekly office weigh-in is tomorrow.

Does he have to worry? No. Why is it that those that worry don’t really need to?

He is the king and we aim to please. Sorry, single women friends. Yes, kind of old-fashioned here but it’s working. He walks in and pizza is in the oven. After a long day he wants to hit the gym for 4o instead of sitting down for dinner. Pizza comes out, half-baked, it can wait.

He hits the gym, I hit the office. 45 minutes later pizza is back in the oven for 10, no difference really at all, and life is good.

Every day dress does half-baked pizza and doesn’t walk the dogs. It’s a carb party.

Stay warm. Love Barefoot Contessa recipes on a cold weeknight.

five forks


When faced with five forks on the left side of your small plate on any given Tuesday night, its nice to know that your clothes have your back. Five forks are a lot to navigate. You do not want to worry about what you have on.

For husband’s wine and food group meeting chose black tights, black bodysuit, black, grey and leather detail chiffon skirt, black suede boots, and pop of bright marigold bag. Life has moved fast, outfit composition is secondary but needs to stay strong. And, it’s freezing outside.

Nothing like an endless flight of California Cabs to warm things up:

  1. Simi Cabernet Sauvignon Alexander Valley Special Reserve 1974
  2. Robert Mondavi Cabernet Sauvignon Napa Valley 1971
  3. Robert Mondavi Cabernet Sauvignon Napa Valley 1978
  4. Spring Mountain Cabernet Sauvignon Napa Valley 1978
  5. Louis Martini Cabernet Sauvignon International Vineyard Monterey 1978
  6. Leaky Lake Reserve Napa Valley 1978
  7. Burgess Cellars Cabernet Sauvignon Napa Valley 1974
  8. Burgess Cellars Cabernet Sauvignon Napa Valley
  9. Heitz Cellars Cabernet Sauvignon Bella Oaks Vineyard 1976
  10. Heitz Cellars Cabernet Sauvignon Bella Oaks Vineyard 1984
  11. Heitz Cellars Cabernet Sauvignon Bella Oaks Vineyard 1995
  12. Heitz Cellars Cabernet Sauvignon Bella Oaks Vineyard 1996
  13. Heitz Cellars Cabernet Sauvignon Martha’s Vineyard 1986
  14. Heitz Cellars Cabernet Sauvignon Bella Oaks Vineyard 1987
  15. Heitz Cellars ‘Port’ Napa Valley 1994

Are you kidding me? Bonus points about blogging is that you get to record this kind of stuff and pull it up on your iPhone for future reference. Amazing wines. Have to say the favorite was the Leaky Lake Reserve Napa Valley 1978. Great licorice.

For the foodies here are the accompaniments:

  • Fortified Oxtail Consomme, Oxtail Dumpling and Brunoise
  • Gorgonzola and Grape Terrine, Polenta Cracker, Mache, must say best chip and dip ever and the mache makes you feel good about it
  • Seared Ahi Tuna, Baby Root Vegetables, Salsify Puree
  • Braised Veal Cheek, Merchad de Vin, Rosti Potato, Forest Mushroom, Double Smoke Bacon, as beautiful as this was just couldn’t do it
  • Dark Chocolate Torte, Blackberry Compote, Toasted Pistachio, Bitter Sweet Chocolate Mousse, Dark Chocolate Ganache

Monnie always said start on the outer side and work yourself in. Move slowly. Enjoy the process. Kind of ironic words for both life and forks. Five forks and fifteen different wines? No problem. Just make sure what you are wearing backs you up and causes no distractions.

Thank you Barney Rhodes for your contributions to the era of California wine. New friends from LA with parallel lives were made and it was a night we will not forget. Nothing quite like breaking bread and tasting fine wines on a Tuesday, or any given night.

Every day dress is thankful for life’s many blessings.

Tights and bodysuit | Wolford | really smart way to dress on a cold winter night







Super fit friend, you know the one, Amy, texted me Sunday morning at 8:30 and asked if I would go with her for a 10:30 am spin and functional training class. From bed with coffee, double cream, and the New York Times Styles and Business Section texted her back and said, let me think about it. Her reply? Long and lean, Rebecca, long and lean. She got me there, been going after that look for I don’t know how long. I said, okay, great, what time are you picking me up, I need to go eat some cookies first. Mind you, she had just flown in from Palm Springs CA the night before. Does she ever sleep?

So, here is the gist: BikeOrBar on Elmwood Avenue. Super pump, great music, flashing colored lights in a dark room, and hip video on the huge Apple TV screen. This is the kind of place that you wear your workout clothes coming and going. It’s fun to have friends in their thirties.

45 minutes of spin, 45 minutes of functional training. Great spin, got a little antsy during the functional training, I mean, come on, these years of working out and we need 90 minutes? Amy told me this was the weekend treat, you can get in and get out much more quickly than 90.

Great workout, and yes, every day dress will be and needs to be back. Upon checkout complimented Robert, thank you, and asked for a class schedule. No paperwork, everything is completely done online. Pretty cool, class and spin schedules and reserve your spot online from your smart phone.

Amy and I with families will be touching down in  Naples FL together late March. She says I need to do the four-week press. I say Bike Or Bar? I’ll take both. 🙂

Thank you Robert, Alex, and staff. You’ve got a great workout going on.

Amy, super fit is front and center. Every day dress, having a great time, in the yellow tank.

To check it out visit BikeOrBar.



for all ages


When your twenty year old daughter in Boston is texting your twenty-two year old daughter in Buffalo from a quick photo saying ‘wait, I want that shirt’ and that shirt is yours and what you represent, you know you are on to something.

So happy that the clothes every day dress has dressed women in now for close to twelve years are for all ages. Even though what you see here is all black, can’t seem to shake that, women from fourteen to seventy-four and on are able to wear these on trend pieces without appearing to be trying to hard.

It’s a beautiful thing when the woman is the focus and the wardrobe is ‘best supporting.’ Best supporting, in our fashion book here, means critical, important, key, but not the main event.

When your wardrobe is flexible enough to dress you, and maybe yours, through all ages,moods, and occasions, it’s a good thing, so celebrate.

Celebrate we did. Small family dinner out and she wore the black blouse with camisole. At home we did some outfit shots for the blog and then she slipped the camisole off to continue her night out heading back downtown. Advice to her has always been, yes, it’s sexy to show some skin, but only one part at a time. Here, cleavage. Other nights she might choose legs. Never both. Her entire outfit was chic, sophisticated, and what all good-looking young women want for a night out downtown, a little sexy. Love how she was completely covered with the exception of the keyhole opening. Provocative enough that she received tons of compliments but not so over the top that it set her apart.

Clothes shown here are all from a developed over time closet. Love that the twenty-two year old is wearing them and that the twenty year old wants them.

Every day dress loves clothes for all ages.

Happy Saturday night.

Here we go, blogging it again, all clothes | Worth New York


not the usual


While at a trunk show in Loudonville NY had the chance to try on a Spring jacket that would not be the usual pick. Thinking this might be the thing that is needed now to floral up the every day dress look. Had on of course, black, ground-hog day again, and it looked pretty fresh. Imagining this jacket with white jeans or going really new and not the usual and putting on the matching dress. If you are looking to add some fun to your current wardrobe, consider floral.

New canine friend? Again, not the usual: Fletcher is a very handsome Rhodesian Ridgeback. Good looking fellow, right? Amy, it was a very good day and you have a great dog. Let’s keep the faith.

Every day dress is thinking floral for Spring 13.


Navy Impressionist Floral Cotton Blazer | Worth New York Spring 13